[NFBV-Seniors] Monthly Seniors Division Meeting

Patricia Droppers pdroppers at ljpete.com
Fri Apr 21 02:23:00 UTC 2023

Greetings, all!

Our next monthly division meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 26, at 7  p.m. over Zoom. We'll hear from Melody Roane about the upcoming senior retreats at the Rehab Center in Richmond, and after that we'll start a discussion on accessible games. If you could plan to get on the call a  little early so that we can start promptly at 7, it would be appreciated.

Also, here's the information on the National Division's monthly call which may be of interest: Join us for our next senior conversation where the topic will be all about traveling with a long, white cane. We will hear from Duncan Larsen who has many years in teaching blind seniors and others to go out into the world and walk proudly with their white canes out in front of them. Among other things she will focus on walking with a support cane,, a walker or a wheel chair along with a cane.

Duncan has administered the program for seniors at the Colorado Center for the Blind for many years. Don't miss this chance to share Duncan's pearls of wisdom.

When: April 25: 4 p.m.-5 p.m. Eastern Daylight time.

Where: Free Conference call. You will only be charged if you do not have unlimited long distance. See below for contact number.

free Conference call number:


Access code: 759633#

Have more questions? Call 443-681-9345 or  <mailto:nfbseniors at gmail.com>

e-mail: nfbseniors at gmail.com<mailto:nfbseniors at gmail.com> <mailto:nfbseniors at gmail.com>

The Zoom info for our meeting is below.


One tap mobile

tell: +13017158592,,8297256345#

Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345#

If needed the password is 20201940

Patty Droppers,
NFBV Seniors Division
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