[NFBV-Winchester] August, 2022, chapter minutes

Chris Walker chrisvinson1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 19:20:49 UTC 2022

Chapter members and friends,
Please find the meeting minutes for the August, 2022 chapter meeting. Thank you Jim Green.

Chris Walker
President, Winchester Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
chrisvinson1 at gmail.com
Find and like us on Facebook National Federation of the blind Virginia Winchester Chapter
Find us on Twitter at Winchester Chapter nfb of Virginia
You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
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August 20, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Walker at 10:10 AM.
including members and guests, there were 16 folks present .

Wayne Williams led our members in the NFB Pledge.

This months Ice Breaker question came from Chris.  He asked us to give
our names and tell what we would like to do as the weather turns
toward Fall.

Janet Lincoln read the minutes of the previous meeting.  They were
approved as read, with the following corrections.  James Shobert would
head up the Communications committee, and Wayne Williams would head up
the Technology and Resources committee.  Also The grant of $100 to
Samantha Ellis, was to cover accessible games for the blind.

Jim Walker read the June and July Treasurers Report and they were
approved as read.  Jim Green suggested that small cash expenditures
ought to be done from the Petty Cash fund.  This would streamline the
Treasure Report and be less bother.  We will refine this idea and call
for a vote at a future meeting.  Jacki Brown reported that the
Financial Audit, held after the June meeting, showed the books to be
in perfect order.

We turned to Chapter officer nominations for the coming term.  Most
existing officers were going to serve again, with the following
changes: James Shobert will be running for Vice President and Wayne
Williams will be a Board Member.

Chris reported on the State Board meeting.  Most of it consisted of
planning the State Convention.

Chris told us about all the things we could do if we visited the NFB
Center in Baltimore.  This would take some planning.  He would need a
list of names and activities folks would want to do while there.
Plans would have to be coordinated with the Center, so if we wanted to
attend we should let him know.

Ellie, from NW-Works spoke to us about a conference dealing with
hiring the handicapped.  It will be held at Shenandoah University.
There will be a number of speakers, one from Canada, and Chris walker
will speak on employing the Blind.  To help defray the cost of the
conference, Ellie asked us for a $250 sponsorship donation.  A motion
was made for this, it was seconded and passed.

We had a lengthy discussion about the upcoming State Convention.
Jacki Brown told us about the Action Auction and other prizes.  We
needed to considering donations.  Here's where we started:

Janet Lincoln donated, what Mary Green described as a beautiful wall

Wayne Williams will gather treats for a dogg-gift basket, and anyone
can contribute.

Chris will make his famous cookies.

Our Chapter is also donating a hand made quilt.

More donations are encouraged.

Speaking of donations, several Chapters that can afford it are
donating funds to help cover the Convention Hospitality Night.  Our
Chapter voted to help this effort with a $500 donation.  Chris also
told us that the Hospitality Night will center around a Latin-X theme;
food, music and dance etc.  Bring your Sombreros!

Chris asked for a motion to give a $100 donation for door prizes.  The
Motion was made, seconded, and passed.  Members were also encouraged
to make individual donations.

Carolyn Zdziera read the Communications Report.  It covered short and
long term goals, for things like scholarships and help for
students.She also said they are looking into ways to increase our
Chapter membership.

Wayne Williams read the Technology and Resources Committee report.
After they reviewed our current efforts, they suggested the Chapter
not try putting up our own internet web-site.  The folks at the
meeting agreed.

The meeting adjourned at around 11:50 AM.

Respectively submitted,
Jim Green
Recording Secretary
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