MINUTES OF THE WINCHESTER CHAPTER OF THE N.F.B. June19, 2021 The meeting was called to order by President Chris Walker at 10:00 AM. including guests there were 13Members present , one of whom was on our conference call. Now that we were back to in-person meetings, we felt the conference call option would be better than Zoom. We greeted our two newest members, Ann Cook and James Gilbert. We gave them a brief overview of the NFB. At opportune times during the meeting we told them about our Chapter activities and finances. Charlie Brown led our members in the NFB Pledge. We had an Ice-breaker minute, introducing ourselves. We were asked to give our first thoughts when we woke up this morning. Janet Lincoln read the minutes from the previous month. They were approved as read. Jim Walker gave the Financial Report for the past month. It was approved. We talked briefly about the NFB National Convention. It will once again be accessible via the Zoom platform. Chris said a few words about the organization's quest to develop a formal Sexual Abuse policy. To sum it up, it is a very complicated problem on many levels, and is a work in progress. We discussed the "Take a Walk with a Blind Person," event, scheduled for this October. It is to be part of the "Meet the blind," program. Lots of ideas were advanced. We would toss these around and make a discussion in the coming months. Since we were finally meeting "in-Person," again , Chris was joined by many of us in wanting to have our summer luncheon. We decided to have a chapter brunch on our July meeting day. It would be at ten AM at Granny's restaurant. The location is along Route 7 East, just outside Winchester. Everyone agreed. The meeting adjourned at around 11:15 AM. Respectively submitted, Jim Green Recording Secretary