[nfbwatlk] Fw: Accessible World Presents Cooking withKen andCindyApril 26

Joanie joaniemarie at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 17 20:26:57 UTC 2009

Hi all,Okay it's so simple. I crack the eggs into a glass bowl that has been 
sprayed with Pamm or whatever.  Add about a tablespoon of water put a paper 
towel over the eggs, make sure it's tight around the bowl because the yolks 
will pop. I cook them for one minute and ten seconds. The eggs look like 
they've been poached. If you like them a bit runny, then cook them for about 
a minute. I just slide them out onto a piece of toast.  There's breakfast. 
My microwave has a lot of wattage so anymore than the one minute and ten 
seconds is too much.
Take care. 

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