[nfbwatlk] Fwd: Committee for Establishment of Seattle Disability Commission hosted by UDCC 1/30

Kristina Lawrence tishgifts at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 00:42:20 UTC 2009

For those who may be interested.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <Julianfwheeler at aol.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:30 PM
Subject: Committee for Establishment of Seattle Disability Commission
hosted by UDCC 1/30
To: Julianfwheeler at aol.com

Please note new, later time of day for meeting:

Title: Committee for the Establishment of a Seattle Disability
Commission (CESDC), hosted by the University District Community
Date: Friday, January 30, 2009
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm (CESDC has room 'til 9 pm) New Time (Moved from
earlier tentative time, due to facility availability and concerns
about work day schedules.)
Place: University Family YMCA, Teen Room
Address: 5003 - 12th Ave NE (across the street from prior meeting location).
Contact: Julian Wheeler, email. julianwheeler at hotmail.com (please
spell carefully when using this hotmail email address)
Use either main entrance or accessible entrance north of main entrance
along 12th, midway between main entrance and parking lot. Press button
to notify staff of your intention to enter and they will assist you.
Upon arrival, tell staff that you are there to attend "the UDCC
meeting." (The University District Community Council ("UDCC") has
endorsed this proposal).
This location has accessible facilities indoors, and meeting room is
not 'acoustic' as prior meeting location.
Parking: Free on-street parking after six pm along 12th Ave NE and vicinity.
Metro access: One block east from Metro Bus Route 66, and 2 blocks
west from the 71, 72, and 73, northbound from downtown, among other
bus routes.
Concerns were expressed about prior meeting times during work days. So
this time was chosen to allow for arrival from home after work and
dinner hour.

Complete agenda is forthcoming, but may include the following items,
including some that may be suggested by prospective attendees, and
note suggested times for each item:

I. Call to order - 7:05 pm
II. Introductions - Your name and neighborhood of residence.
III. Recap of prior meeting(s) and history of proposal
IV. Development of Proposal for Eventual Presentation to Public - 7:35  pm
A. Existing Disability Commissions Elsewhere, i.e., review of  "homework"
B. Possible Forms of a Seattle Disability Commission (SDC)
V. Planning of Public Meeting For Presentation - 8:05 pm
A. Scale of Turnout
B. Type of Resolution(s) to Diverse Ideas about a possible "SDC".
VI. Consideration of Forming Non-Profit Entity to Pursue Proposal
VII. Good of the Order
VIII. Adjournment - 8:30 pm

Special Notes: Suggestions about Attendance and Conduct: This meeting
is inclusive and open to all Seattle residents who support this
initial proposal in
general. Those who oppose this proposal are also welcome to attend.
But the intent of this meeting is to support and refine this proposal
into a form that  is feasible for favorable consideration by the
Seattle City Council and Mayor.

Therefore, opponents of this proposal are welcome to form and attend
their own meeting(s) so as to contribute to a fuller, public
discussion if one is
desirable. Meeting may be divided into "caucuses" based on support or
opposition, and may be further divided if necessary.

Attendees are not required to demonstrate that they have a disability.
 Since it is a personal question, albeit some disabilities may be
apparent to
others, you should not be asked, nor expected to ask, who among
attendees has a disability. Attendees are, however, free to volunteer
that information at their own discretion.

Thank you for your support of the proposal


Julian Wheeler,
Volunteer Convener, &
UDCC Member.

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