[nfbwatlk] Fw: Sound Transit E~Wave E-mail Newsletter Update

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 31 05:18:28 UTC 2009

Sound Transit E~Wave E-mail Newsletter Update
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sound Transit 
To: lawnmower84 at hotmail.com 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 3:56 PM
Subject: Sound Transit E~Wave E-mail Newsletter Update


      Jan. 30, 2009 
      E-Wave, Sound Transit's Newsletter 

              Sound Transit seeks public input on proposed express bus expansion plan 
            Sound Transit is seeking public comment on proposals for expanded express bus service that was included in the Sound Transit 2 system expansion plan approved by voters November 2008. 

            Voters approved expansion of ST Express bus service with 100,000 annual bus service hours to be implemented as quickly as possible. The proposal before the Sound Transit Board is to phase in the Sound Transit 2 express bus service additions over the course of 2009-10 at our regular service change intervals. Targeted for expansion are key corridors with the highest ridership increases in 2008. 


              Sound Transit proposes fares for Link light rail, seeks public input 

            Sound Transit is seeking public comment on its proposal for a Link light rail fare structure that would be distance-based and include options for base ticket prices of $1.75 to $2, with a maximum cost of a one-way ticket from downtown Seattle to Sea-Tac Airport of $2.75. 

            Public comment on the proposal is currently being accepted by the Sound Transit Board. The last public hearing is Thursday, Feb. 5, 2009, Noon to 12:30 p.m. at  Sound Transit, Union Station, Ruth Fisher Board Room, 401 S. Jackson St. Seattle, WA 98104. 


           FTA awards Sound Transit $813M grant to begin University Link light rail extension 

            This month, Sound Transit welcomed Federal Transit Administration officials to Seattle as the FTA awarded an $813 million grant to build the University Link light rail extension. The nation's top transit official awarded the grant agreement at Sound Transit headquarters. 

            "It's time to get to work and start digging," said Sound Transit Board Chair and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels. "Thanks to the FTA and Senator Murray, we're ready to deliver more transit options and more construction jobs to this region with the University Link project." 



           Four Sound Transit projects honored for excellence in engineering, research, design 

            The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) recently recognized four Sound Transit projects as outstanding examples of transportation engineering and civil engineering research and planning. 

            Gold awards were given to Parsons Brinckerhoff for its work on the Sound Transit 2 Plan, and to Hatch Mott MacDonald for its work on the design and engineering of the Link light rail segment between South Boeing Access Road and South 154th Street. These projects were submitted for the ACEC's national competition; and as winners at the ACEC state level, they will now move on to compete at the national level. 


              Get a guided tour of light rail 
            Sound Transit Link light rail would like to invite you to tour the entire initial segment construction. The Community Outreach Division will be hosting the Lunch Bus on Friday, Feb. 27. The tour is part of Link light rail's ongoing effort to mitigate construction impacts on local businesses. This is a guided bus tour that will take you to and along the current construction sites. At any time during the tour, please feel free to ask questions. The tour is then followed by lunch at a local eating establishment. You are responsible for buying your own lunch.  

            To RSVP Linkconstruction at soundtransit.org. In your response, please include your name, organization, telephone number and request for accommodations.  



            Sound Transit Calendar  
               Planning Meetings  
            Feb. 3  Proposed bus service changes - public meeting  
            Feb. 4  Proposed bus service changes - public meeting (afternoon)  
            Feb. 4  Proposed bus service changes - public meeting (evening)  
            Feb. 5  Link Fare Policy Public Hearing  
               Special Events and Services  
            Feb. 27  Lunch Bus  
               Board and Committee Meetings  
            Feb. 5  Citizen Oversight Panel Meeting  
            Feb. 5  Executive Committee  
            Feb. 5  Finance Committee  
            Fe. 12  Board Meeting  

You are subscribed to E~Wave E-mail Newsletter for Sound Transit. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. 

You can view or update your subscriptions, password or e-mail address at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. All you will need are your e-mail address and your password (if you selected one). 

This e-mail service is provided to you at no charge by Sound Transit. 

P.S. If you have any questions or problems e-mail support at govdelivery.com for assistance. 

GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of Sound Transit · 401 South Jackson St · Seattle WA 98104 · 206-398-5000 

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