[nfbwatlk] Fw: Sound Transit Adds Trips June 1

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Tue May 26 22:04:31 UTC 2009

Sound Transit Adds Trips June 1
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Community Transit 
To: jacobstruiksma at gmail.com 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Sound Transit Adds Trips June 1

Effective June 1, Sound Transit adds several weekday trips to Snohomish County. You can view the new schedules online or pickup a new Sound Transit "Transit Guide." Community Transit's commuter Bus Plus books will not be updated - please note the added trips in the schedule. 

Northbound Route 510 to Everett will have a new trip leaving 6th Ave S & S Royal Brougham Way in downtown Seattle at 3 pm. 

Northbound Route 511 to Ash Way P&R will have new trips leaving 6th Ave S & S Royal Brougham Way in downtown Seattle at 2:43 pm, 3:11 pm and 9 pm. 

Northbound Route 513 to Everett will have a new trip leaving 6th Ave S & S Royal Brougham Way in downtown Seattle at 6:22 pm. 

Northbound Route 532 to Everett will have two new trips leaving NE 10th St & 102nd Ave NE in downtown Bellevue at 2:13 pm and 6:43 pm. 

Northbound Route 535 to Lynnwood will have a new trip leaving NE 10th St & 102nd Ave NE 6:29 pm. The existing trips leaving at 2:15 pm and 6:45 pm are revised to leave at 2:06 pm and 6:52 pm. 



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This service is provided to you at no charge by Community Transit. 

GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of Community Transit · 7100 Hardeson Road · Everett WA 98203 · 425-348-7100 

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