[nfbwatlk] transit riders union

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 19 00:50:30 UTC 2009

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 <http://peoplestransit.org/> Transit Riders Union	 

 <http://peoplestransit.org/> Transit Riders Union

Comments <http://peoplestransit.org/?feed=comments-rss2> Posts



*	About Us <http://peoplestransit.org/?page_id=3>  

*	Elections <http://peoplestransit.org/?page_id=9>  

*	Focus Areas <http://peoplestransit.org/?page_id=29>  

*	Join <http://peoplestransit.org/?page_id=5>  

 <http://peoplestransit.org/?p=22> Frustrated with your transit experience?

Tired of slow, unreliable public transportation? Feel like nobody at Metro /
Sound Transit cares about your rider experience?

You're not alone.

The Transit Riders Union is helping to unite riders and give them a voice
that will be listened to.

We are fighting to improve our transit system, specifically:

Passenger amenities (shelters, maps, schedules, cleanliness, etc.)
Service reliability and efficiency	
Keeping fares low and fighting unfair service cuts	 Transit information
and communication	
Safety and security at stops and aboard buses	 Transit equity (ensure all
riders in all areas are well-served)	
Transit agency transparency	 	
November 17th, 2009 | Category:  <http://peoplestransit.org/?cat=1>
Uncategorized | Comments are closed 

 <http://peoplestransit.org/?p=15> We're just getting started...

Welcome to the new Transit Riders Union web site! We're still working to
migrate our old web content to our new web host, so please pardon our dust
as we finish moving.

In recent Riders Union activity:

*	Candidates responded to Transit Riders Union concerns. The leaders
of the Transit Riders Union invited executive and legislative candidates for
office in King County and Seattle to respond to the concerns of transit
riders, and  <http://peoplestransit.org/?page_id=9> we have posted their


*	King County has released its Performance Audit of Transit. If you
find something interesting that you'd like to share and discuss, or if you
want to learn about others' findings,
<http://groups.google.com/group/trumps-discuss/subscribe> join our "soapbox"


*	Be in-the-know: The Transit Riders Union is finally in action! To
keep up on the latest,
<http://groups.google.com/group/stru-announce/subscribe> sign up for


*	And, as always, you can contact us at
<mailto:info at transitriders.org> info at transitriders.org. 

Happy and Safe Riding!

November 17th, 2009 | Category:  <http://peoplestransit.org/?cat=5>
Housekeeping |  <http://peoplestransit.org/?p=15#respond> Leave a comment 

Other Transit Unions

*	 <http://www.atljwj.org/atru.html> Atlanta Transit Riders Union 

*	 <http://www.getontrac.org/> Baltimore Transit Riders Action Council

*	 <http://www.ace-ej.org/tru> Boston T Riders Union 

*	 <http://www.busatx.org/> Bus Riders Union of Austin, TX 

*	 <http://www.busridersunion.org/> Los Angeles Bus Riders Union 

*	 <http://www.busadvocates.org/> Madison Area Bus Advocates 

*	 <http://transitridersunion.org/wp/> Milwaukee Transit Riders Union 

*	 <http://www.straphangers.org/> New York City Straphangers 

*	 <http://www.rescuemuni.org/> Rescue Muni (San Francisco) 

*	 <http://www.socata.net/> Southern California Transit Advocates 

*	 <http://www.true.apirg.org/index.php> Transit Riders Union of

*	 <http://www.truwinnipeg.org/> Transit Riders Union of Winnipeg 

*	 <http://bru.vcn.bc.ca/> Vancouver Bus Riders' Union 

Rider Tools

*	 <http://maps.google.com/transit/> Google Transit 

*	 <http://trackerloc.kingcounty.gov/> King County Metro Bus Tracker 

*	 <http://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/cgi-bin/itin_page.pl?resptype=U>
Metro Trip Planner 

*	 <http://www.mybus.org/> MyBus 

*	 <http://www.onebusaway.org/> OneBusAway 

*	 <http://rideshareonline.com/> RideShareOnline 

*	 <http://www.spotbus.com/> SpotBus 

Transit Agencies

*	 <http://amtrakcascades.com/> Amtrak Cascades 

*	 <http://www.commtrans.org/> Community Transit 

*	 <http://metro.kingcounty.gov/> King County Metro 

*	 <http://www.piercetransit.org/> Pierce Transit 

*	 <http://www.seattlemonorail.com/> Seattle Center Monorail 

*	 <http://www.seattlestreetcar.com/> Seattle Streetcar 

*	 <http://www.soundtransit.org/> Sound Transit 

*	 <http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/> Washington State Ferries 

Transit Blogs

*	 <http://www.orphanroad.com/> Orphan Road 

*	 <http://www.seattletransitblog.com/> Seattle Transit Blog 

Copyright C 2009 Transit Riders  <http://peoplestransit.org/> Union - All
Rights Reserved
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