[nfbwatlk] FW: [PEDBOARD] Mayor Nickels Seeks New Members for the Pedestrian Advisory Board

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 20 21:32:57 UTC 2009

For Immediate Release:  Nov. 19, 2009

Contact:  Brian Dougherty, (206) 684-5124,
<mailto:brian.dougherty at seattle.gov> brian.dougherty at seattle.gov


Mayor Nickels Seeks New Members for the Pedestrian Advisory Board

Help shape Seattle's future as the most walkable city in the nation


SEATTLE - Mayor Greg Nickels is seeking three volunteers to serve on the
<http://www.seattle.gov/spab/> Pedestrian Advisory Board. Residents are
invited to apply to serve on a volunteer committee that plays an influential
role in implementing Seattle's Pedestrian Master Plan. The board advises the
mayor and City Council, participates in planning and project development,
evaluates policies and makes recommendations.


Board members serve a two-year term, with an opportunity to serve a second
term. The volunteers are frequent walkers of a variety of ages, levels of
mobility and walks of life, and from areas throughout the city. Members must
be Seattle residents and may not be city employees. The group meets the
second Wednesday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m. at City Hall, located at 600
Fourth Ave., James and Cherry streets. 


People interested in serving on the board are encouraged to submit by Dec.
16 a resume and cover letter explaining their interest to: 


Brian Dougherty, Seattle Department of Transportation, 

700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3900, 

P.O. Box 34996, Seattle Washington, 98124-4996, 


or via e-mail to  <mailto:brian.dougherty at seattle.gov>
brian.dougherty at seattle.gov. 


For more information, call Brian Dougherty at (206) 684-5124, or e-mail him
at the address above.


Get the Nickels Newsletter and the mayor's inside view on transportation,
public safety, economic opportunity and healthy communities.  Sign up at
<http://www.mayor.seattle.gov/> mayor.seattle.gov



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