[nfbwatlk] FW: Join us for the 2009 Pacific NW Institute on Special Ed and the Law

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Thu Sep 10 15:28:44 UTC 2009

Thought some on this list might find this of interest.

From: UW College of Education [mailto:mdistribution at extn.washington.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 10:31 PM
To: Nightingale, Noel
Subject: Join us for the 2009 Pacific NW Institute on Special Ed and the Law


Register Now<http://www.outreach.washington.edu/pc/email/Special_Ed_Law/0380/register.asp> for the premiere regional conference on special education and the law!

 *   Learn from special education law experts from around the country
 *   Build professional relationships and network with colleagues
 *   Stay current on recent legal decisions and interpretations
 *   Expand your knowledge on research in evidence-based practices
 *   Earn professional credits - CLE or clock hours

Who will benefit?

 *   Educators
 *   Education Administrators
 *   School Psychologists
 *   Special Education Directors
 *   Principals

 *   Attorneys
 *   Administrative Law Judges
 *   Special Education Advocacy Groups
 *   Parents

Get practical and immediate answers on important topics such as:

 *   Recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
 *   Legal standard of providing FAPE
 *   FERPA regulations effective January 2009
 *   The why's and how's of RTI, including an expansion of the approach to new content areas and its application to English language learners
 *   Parents and their rights under the IDEA and related state law

Please do not reply to this email. To unsubscribe, click here<mailto:mdistribution at extn.washington.edu?subject=REMOVE>.

October 5-7, 2009

Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport

View<http://www.outreach.washington.edu/pc/email/Special_Ed_Law/0380/view.asp> the complete program.

Register today<http://www.outreach.washington.edu/pc/email/Special_Ed_Law/0380/register2.asp>. Institute rates increase after
September 16, 2009.

Make your hotel reservations<http://www.outreach.washington.edu/pc/email/Special_Ed_Law/0380/room.asp>. Discounted room rate deadline:
September 11, 2009.

Questions? Send an email<mailto:slawd at u.washington.edu> to us or call (206) 221-3936.

Forward this email to your colleagues and associates who may also benefit from this opportunity.


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