[nfbwatlk] Library Needs Our Action Now

Prows, Bennett (HHS/OCR) Bennett.Prows at HHS.GOV
Thu Feb 18 20:00:56 UTC 2010

The Talk Show on the Evergreen Radio Reading Service last night was
quite educational about the plight of our Washington Talking Book and
Braille Library. Thanks to all for calling in.


 Jan Walsh, State Librarian, and Danielle Miller, program Librarian for
WTBBL answered questions from listeners for the entire hour, and
provided much needed information about the   budget cuts and fiscal
crisis at WTBBL.  The library staff has been depleted by five positions,
and one other employee located at the building was lost as well.  We
need to work to get the legislature to reinstate funds for WTBBL within
the library system.  According to representatives of the patron advisory
council, all who are eligible for services at WTBBL will be receiving a
letter advising of the devastating cuts made to date, and about
prospects for the future of the library.  It is clear we need to contact
your legislators by calling the legislative hot line at (800) 562-6000,
and leave each of them a message that we want them to reinstate funding
to the Washington State Library budget for the operation of WTBBL.  


To date, the library management has been skillfully avoiding having to
cut entire services because of the elimination of positions, but there
is no telling what might have to happen if more cuts are mandated.  As
was pointed out last night, libraries are not just *books* any more.
They provide an array of information services, and we want to have an
equal opportunity to receive information in accessible form.  So, call
the hot-line, and leave messages for each of your representatives and
your senator.  Don't worry if you don't know who they are, the hot-line
personnel are trained to help you find out.


Between now and March 11, the end of the scheduled legislative session,
it is imperative that you make your views known. If you want facts and
figures, or any information about what's happening in Olympia about the
library budget, the show will be rebroadcast on Sunday at 6:00 P.M., or
call the library for information. 




Bennett Prows

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