[nfbwatlk] Free Training to Become an IL Service Provider for Older Adults with Vision Loss [1 Attachment]
Nightingale, Noel
Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Tue May 4 16:50:55 UTC 2010
[Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD included below]
Supporting the Independent Living of Older Adults with Vision Loss
The Center for Technology and Disability Studies is pleased to offer an 8 month course on supporting the independent living needs of older adults with vision loss. This course prepares individuals to provide training to older individuals with vision loss so they can continue to live independently in their homes and communities. It is targeted toward individuals who seek to work in the field as Independent Living (IL) consultants. The Independent Living program provides assessment to determine client needs, training in adaptive skills for communication, daily living and home management, information and referral, and adaptive devices.
Upon completion of this course, students will be eligible to contract with the Department of Services for the Blind to provide IL services in the State of Washington. The course is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and is free of charge if the student becomes a service provider. This work is part-time. Contracts may be $30,000 to $50,000 annually. It is ideal for individuals who are retired or are otherwise looking for part time work. A background clearance, proof of insurance, and applicable business licenses are required before an individual can provide services. Participants must have the ability and willingness to travel within assigned territory.
We are seeking students with a background in providing services to people with vision loss, who have worked with seniors, who have experience in occupational therapy, or who have related skills training adults. Preference will be given to individuals who have a significant visual disability; are over age 55; or from a minority background. Interested students should complete the attached form and return it to Kim Canaan. Students who are considered for acceptance into the course will be invited to participate in an interview.
Course Content
In this course, you will learn about:
1. Older adults and vision loss
2. Physical issues related to vision loss in older adults
3. Social issues affecting older persons with vision loss
4. Providing services to older persons with visual loss
Course Structure & Format
This course takes advantage of the American Foundation for the Blind's eLearning Center on Aging and Visual Impairment. This web course provides the structure and some of the content for an 8 month learning experience. In addition to the AFB course, additional online resources and courses will be used. Students will also participate in monthly face to face or teleconference meetings with instructors, will engage in online discussions, and will complete assignments. Finally, students will engage in structured field experiences including job shadowing.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the attached application materials and send by email to Kim Canaan (kimcan at u.washington.edu<mailto:kimcan at u.washington.edu>). Applications are due by May 10. Interviews will be conducted in mid-May. Acceptance letters will be sent in early June.
The course will begin in early July. Individuals who are accepted will need to ensure that they are available to participate in all course sessions for an 8 month period.
For more information contact:
Kim Canaan
ILOB Program Coordinator
Ph: 206-616-6789
Fax: 206-543-4779
Email: kimcan at u.washington.edu
Work Experience:
Educational Experience (degrees & certificates)
Interest Statement (Why are you interested? Why are you qualified?) [500 words or less]:
Additional Requirements
* Please include a writing sample.
* Please include business references
I understand that if accepted I must be available to participate in a teleconference once per month for 8 months beginning in June, must be able to complete online coursework throughout that time period, and must be able to participate in field experiences as assigned.
I understand that I must have or obtain the applicable business licenses, and insurance required to work as an IL provider.
I understand that if selected, I will be required to undergo a background check.
Signature: Date:
Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD
1 of 1 File(s)
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