[nfbwatlk] John Croy

Maria Bradford mtbradford at q.com
Sat Oct 9 05:52:43 UTC 2010


This evening I received a call from Dolores Keyser. She had just  spoken
with Judy. John passed away last evening due to a bacterial infection. When
I talked with Judy, she said the doctors tried every intervention.  

Please check tomorrow's Spokesman review. I tried to search for any other
information, but could not find any notice. 

The funeral will be this Saturday  at the Lds church at 1:00 pm. Address:
401 W. Ragina

I know John would be happy if    memorials were sent to the National
Federation of the Blind of Washington  to assist people wishing to attend
our upcoming convention.

We will remember John's kindness to all, and how much he loved and worked
for our    Federation family.  He was a faithful worker in our phoneroom.
Asking for donations for the National Federation of the Blind enriched his
life and ours.


It is so difficult to receive such shocking news.

I invite anyone to call me  or send an email. I know John is listening and
knows how much we love him. Please pray for his family.

Thank you

Maria Bradford


Nfbw inland Empire Chapter






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