[nfbwatlk] {Disarmed} FW: Seattle Transit Communities Event Thursday

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 8 01:08:53 UTC 2011




Great City Board 

Brice Maryman
Board Chair
Matt Anderson
Chuck Ayers
Yusuf Cabdi
Josh Chaitin

Nate Cole-Daum
Dave Cook

Nate Cormier
Joshua Curtis

Cheryl dos Remedios
Jessie Israel
Jeff Pavey

Catherine Stanford
Alison van Gorp
Diana Vergis Vinh
Chuck Wolfe
Hi Friends--
We have an excellent brownbag this week, with a special location: City Hall.

Seattle Transit Communities: Charting Our Path Forward

WHEN: March 10, 2011, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
WHERE: Bertha Knight Landes Room, City Hall

Join us this Thursday for a very exciting lunchtime brownbag about the
Planning Commission's Seattle
2FSTCFinalLayout.pdf> Transit Communities report. Hear Commissioners Josh
Brower, Kevin McDonald and David Cutler present the Commissions
recommendations, including: 

*	Where timely investment will provide the most benefit to Seattle
transit communities 

*	Appropriate land use and necessary investments to create successful
transit communities while preserving unique neighborhood identities 

*	Funding strategies for implementing "essential components for
livability" - parks, open space, libraries, sidewalks, plazas, pedestrian
improvements, lighting - needed to complete these vibrant, great

After the commissioners present their findings, two expert respondants--Ed
Hewson from Paragon Real Estate and Barbara Gray from SDOT--will offer their
insights and explore some of the commission's recommendations more fully,
framing a healthy Q+A session. 


Thank you to Councilmember Mike O'Brien for sponsoring this event for the
Seattle Planning Commission. Thank you to our partners for this event
Futurewise, Leadership for Great Neighborhoods, and Transportation Choices
Great City Annual Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday March 23, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
WHERE: Belltown Pub, 2322 1st Ave

Mark your calendars now for Great City's Annual Meeting on Wednesday March
23rd at the Belltown Pub. This fun, informal event will give you the
opportunity to learn all that we've been up to this year and hear about some
of the exciting initiatives that we'll be cooking up for next year. 
GoGreen! '11 Seattle  

GoGreen '11 Seattle is a one day sustainability conference for business in
Seattle on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 built to motivate, inspire, and educate
business owners to "go green" and become more sustainable. As an
action-oriented, non-typical conference, GoGreen '11 Seattle teaches
tactical steps on how to "green" your business and provides actionable next
steps to sustainability for business owners and decision makers. Attendees
will learn from live success stories and participate in panel discussions
geared to provide solid takeaways to make any size of business the most
sustainable that it can be. The GoGreen Conference will feature over 50
business leader speakers and 15 different sessions on how to build
sustainability into your business.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 8:30 - 5:00 pm
WHERE: The Conference Center (LEED Certified) | 8th and Pike Street, 3rd
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Business Owners and Leaders. Anyone who can make
decisions about sustainable practices in a business.
REGISTER: http://seattle.gogreenconference.net or call 206.459.0595 

Great City members received $25 off to attend, use discount code: GRTCTY
when registering.

316017&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.upwardstech.net%2Fgreatcity%2F> a Great
City member today.


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Seattle Great City Initiative | PO Box 599 | Seattle, WA 98111

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