[nfbwatlk] Fwd: Regarding Education
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Wed Mar 16 01:07:30 UTC 2011
>The President of the NFB of Nebraska is asking
>for assistance with an education project.
David Andrews
>Greetings Friends:
>Karen Lemmon, a long-time teacher and current
>president of our Panhandle Chapter here in
>Nebraska asks for your help with the below project.
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>Amy Buresh, President, NFBN
>The GOOD and the BAD
>I am looking for information and stories of
>personal experiences of blind individuals who
>have been through, or are currently involved
>in our K-12 classrooms as a blind or low
>visioned student. All of us have stories to tell
>and I am asking now that you report instances in
>your education that made a positive difference
>for you in your learning experience. I also want
>to know the negative experiences you had as a
>blind student, or in other words, what did not
>work for you. You do not need to pass on names
>of instructors or the name of the school, unless
>of course you would like them to receive some
>positive mention. I would be appreciative if you
>would just submit to me two lists of what was
>good and what was bad. I did not go through our
>system of education as a blind student, as a
>matter of fact I taught school for 18 years in a
>system that had no plan to create the
>opportunity for blind and low visioned students
>to stay in the classroom and learn along side
>the sighted students. The information I receive
>from you will be very helpful in discussions in
>a college level class offered at Chadron State
>College titled ‘Resources for teaching blind
>Individuals. (EDU 270). Below is an example of
>some of the things that have been compiled this
>research: Information will be confidential and may be sent to me anonymously.
>Please email to: <mailto:klemmon at bbcwb.net>klemmon at bbcwb.net
>or mail to my address at: Karen Lemmon
> 104 Lemmon Road
> Whitney, NE 69367
>My telephone number is 308-667-2054.
>GOOD __
>1. Examples of rocks and soils were labeled by
>my science teacher in braille so that when the
>samples were passed around the room I was able
>to feel what the rock or soil felt like and to
>identify it by name as it was passed around the room.
>2. A music teacher recorded my part on a cassette so that I could learn it .
>1. I had a teacher’s aide assigned to me and she
>did most of the work for me which seemed pretty
>cool at the time, but as a result I know I missed out on a lot.
>2. I used magnification for everything but as my
>eyes got progressively worse I found myself
>unable to read as I was never taught braille.
>Please take part in this as it is very important
>that we can relay this information to our future
>teachers and we now have an outlet to do that at
>Chadron State College. since our work here is in
>progress, I would appreciate an immediate response.
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