[nfbwatlk] Activists want world to stop using the 'R' word; Campaign deems term offensive and derogatory

Rick Willison rick at tjmi.net
Fri May 27 14:08:32 UTC 2011

I personally think that we live in a weak world where people are looking for
anything to be offended by.  It is a very interesting Sociological
experiment to take on.  If you go to other countries, especially 3rd World
countries, you will not find this politically correct world.  You will not
find a million lawsuits going on.  You will just find people who are busy
about their work and kids with smiles on their faces.  Not all....but the
majority.  It seems that we are spoiled rotten brats here in America and
throughout the western world.  We have so much that we have no real
appreciation for things.  

Personally, I value all of God's creation.  People are people and they are
going to make huge deals out of anything they can to bring themselves
attention.  I find it peaceful to just ignore them.  Again, I will say, "It
does not matter to me what others think of me!"  "None of them created me
and none of them can save me from an eternity in Hell!"  As for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord and be defined by what God says I am.  God
does not create junk.  I am not a piece of garbage.  I am not less of a man
because of a physical or mental or emotional defect.  I was created with a
destiny andpurpose.  Therefore, I will do something great with my life. I
will leave a living legacey of hope and promise in my children and all who I
spend time with.  

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13).
If you don't believe me, just go to my website and see that I have no fear
because I serve the great and mighty God who conquered fear.

Have an amazing day!  
Rick WIllison

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