[nfbwatlk] WSDOT Announcement

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Mon Aug 6 20:30:03 UTC 2012

From: Elizabeth Bass [mailto:ebass at seattledbsc.org]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 12:15 PM
To: Elizabeth Bass
Subject: WSDOT Announcement


WSDOT seeks your input on the Statewide Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP)

The Washington State Department of Transportation and supporting organizations are working hard to provide accessible transportation for everyone. To improve their services, they are having a meeting in Longview, Yakima, Spokane, and Everett to discuss needs and develop plans for improvements for Washington State.

*  Longview: Thursday, August 9  (9 - 11:30 am)
"John Searing Auditorium" Cowlitz PUD, 961 12th Avenue, Longview, WA.
Cosponsored with Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG)

*  Yakima: Tuesday, August 14 (1 - 4 pm)
"Denny Blaine Building" Boardroom, 810 East Custer Avenue, Sunnyside, WA
Cosponsored with People for People and Yakima Valley Council of Governments (YVCOG)

*  Spokane - Monday, August 20, (1 - 3:30 pm)
"Great Northern Room" SRTC, 221 W. 1st Avenue, Spokane WA
Cosponsored with Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC)

*  Everett - Wednesday, August 22, (9 - 12 pm)
Everett Station "Weyerhaeuser Room" 4th floor, 3201 Smith Avenue, Everett, WA,

Statewide HSTP Objectives:
Assist public transit providers and community and social service agencies with coordination at the state level under policies authorized by the Legislature and directed by state law and federal regulations.

* Discuss public transportation deficiencies and identify projects across the state
* Align the plan with Moving Washington, the state's proven initiative for an integrated, 21st century transportation system focused on corridor solutions that operate efficiently, strategically add capacity and manage demand
* Leverage opportunities for additional federal or new local sources of funding

The HSTP will:
* Document transportation needs specific to older adults, people with disabilities, and those with low incomes
* Identify cross-jurisdictional travel needs
* Define needs consistent with those of the Moving Washington transportation corridors
* Recommend service strategies to improve access and enhance mobility for target populations
* Highlight best practices in Washington and elsewhere to advance transportation for these special needs population groups
* Identify a leadership role for WSDOT to take in implementing or advocating for new transportation initiatives
* Outline next steps to put the plan in action

For more information, please visit the project website at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/acct/HSTP.html

Cosponsored with the Snohomish County Transportation Coalition and Everett Transit

* Share information with stakeholders about the HSTP:
What is it? What does it cover? What does it not cover? How will it build upon the locally developed Coordinated Plans?
* Engage stakeholders statewide in helping to shape the content and priorities for the HSTP
* Hear and learn about regional perspectives on human services transportation system needs, inventory of current services, assessment of needs for individuals with disabilities, elderly and lower-income individuals, and document challenges and identify opportunities to address needed transportation services

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