debby phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 03:22:59 UTC 2012

Well, I agree with both Mary Ellen and Mike, except that I do 
believe that there is a dignity in working.  There's something to 
be said for getting paid for what you do.  Every time I got my 
check when I worked at IRS (even though I didn't really like my 
job) there was something great about that feeling.  We all got 
the same wage (depending on our step and grade, but performance 
awards did come (though never monetarily).  So there are ways of 
rewarding more productive workers, and still paying everyone a 
minimum wage.  I don't believe that paying a minimum wage 
"subsidizes" anyone.  As Mike said, productivity does vary from 
employee to employee.  I think my average call count when I was 
at IRS was 85 calls per day, and I'm sure there were people who 
did more, especially when I first started working with refunds.    
Peace,    Debby

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