[nfbwatlk] Join our Sounding Board Help Metro improve bus service in Shoreline and North Seattle

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 22 20:30:34 UTC 2012

Are you a bus rider that regularly rides routes in Shoreline or North

King County Metro Transit is forming a community sounding board to give us
advice about changes to bus service in these areas. We're looking for a
diverse group of members to help us develop service change recommendations
for fall 2013. The sounding board will meet 9 to 12 times, from September
2012 to March 2013. Sounding board meetings mostly will be scheduled on
Thursday evenings unless a scheduling conflict occurs.

Interested in applying? Fill out our online application by Monday, Sept. 3. 

Why change bus service? Starting fall 2013, the Aurora Avenue N corridor
will be served by RapidRide E Line between Aurora Village Transit Center to
downtown Seattle. The E Line will provide a backbone of new, frequent
transit service that other routes in the area can connect to and complement.
Working with the sounding board, we'll be considering changes to improve:

connections to the E Line 
bus service in the neighborhoods surrounding Aurora Avenue N 
connections between transit activity centers such as Fremont, Wallingford,
Greenwood, Greenlake, Northgate and Shoreline 
If you'd like us to mail you a printed application, or have questions about
the sounding board, please contact: Ashley DeForest, Community Relations
Planner at ashley.deforest at kingcounty.gov or via phone at 206-684-1154.

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