[nfbwatlk] successful Seattle Goodwill protest

mjc59 at q.com mjc59 at q.com
Sun Aug 26 19:12:56 UTC 2012

Good afternoon , 


Let me say a heart-felt "Thank You" to Cindy, Mike F., Connie, Mary V., Ivan, Bennett and Jacob for helping to make our local Goodwill protest a success! We may not have had the largest protest in the country, but our spirit was immense! Many cars started to pull up in front of the store, but drove away upon seeing our signs. We got many "honks" and waves from passersby and passed out our flyers. While we did not get press coverage yesterday, I made some good contacts that should serve us well in the future. 


There were 4 different slogans on the great signs provided by our National Center. Here is what they said; 

"We Need Good Jobs Not  Goodwill" 

"Pennies Per Hour is Not a Job" 

"They Won't Pay Minimum Wage" 

"CEO Salary $500,000  Worker Pay 20 cents" 


Several members asked me if the text of the flyer was available online. It is available in both Word 2007 (.docx) and PDF format at www.nfb.org/fair-wages . Feel free to download it and distribute widely. 


I enjoyed spending time on the picket line and at lunch with both veterans and those who were new to an NFB protest. Connie took some pictures of us which I hope to have posted soon on our NFBW facebook page and group. 


We definitely felt the camaraderie with all of our colleagues around the country and all who sent us encouraging thoughts and words. 


We will keep up the fight until the despicable practice of paying disabled workers sub minimum wages is ended! 


See you all at future NFB gatherings. 


Marci Carpenter 




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