PUBLIC RADIO 113 publicradio113 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 22:17:18 UTC 2012

Recent chatter on this topic got me thinking seriously about the matter.
 Normally we limit the radio show to one topic, one show.  I spoke to
Applied Industries in Longview Washington, to Mike Freeman (NFB) and to
ACB.  Good Will did not return my calls yet.  Apparently other media did
not cover the informational  picket story as it was deemed less important
than other news items.  Often stories we cover are later followed up on
NPR, so we'll see how that goes.  The first program will air on the 4th
Monday in September at 11:00 AM on KBOO.FM.  Part 2 will be broadcast in
October.  The Global Voice and ACB Mainstream also carry the program so
check their schedules for details.  Evergreen Radio Reading Service lost
funding so we are no longer with them.  Comments for the show are always

Paul Van Dyck




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