[nfbwatlk] Anyone Know Who this Lady Was?

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Sun Feb 26 15:42:34 UTC 2012

From: wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org [mailto:wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org] On Behalf
Of Carolyn
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 7:17 AM
To: Wcb-l at wcbinfo.org
Subject: [Wcb-l] Jeanne Horsey


I just received this information about Jeanne Horsey's passing: 


Jeanne Horsey passed away earlier this week. A memorial for her is being
held tomorrow, Sunday Feb. 26 at University House on Stoneway in Seattle. It
is at 2:00, open to the public with a reception following.


Many of you on this list knew her. She taught me braille. I was the only one
interested at that time, so she gave me private lessons. I remember fondly
the weekly sessions at her dining room table while her husband prepared his
late breakfast in the adjoining kitchen. For my first lesson she put a
Perkins brailler and braille transcribing instruction manual in front of me
and told me to make a row of the letter a, then b,  etc. Jeanne was largely
responsible for getting braille textbooks in the Seattle public schools. 


Carolyn Meyer




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