[nfbwatlk] Fwd: OTBS Show airs tonight!
Mike Freeman
k7uij at panix.com
Wed Jan 11 17:10:02 UTC 2012
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Janie Degenshein" <jdegen16 at comcast.net>
> Date: January 11, 2012 3:17:46 PST
> To: "Aleta Simmons" <aleta_simmons at comcast.net>, "Alice Bogoshian" <alicebogoshian at verizon.net>, "alice eaddy" <aseanj at netzero.net>, "alyse simon" <leta210 at verizon.net>, "Amy Simontaki" <amy56 at optonline.net>, "angela perone" <classemt at aol.com>, "Annemarie Cooke" <aec732 at gmail.com>, "anthony eulie" <broadway97 at gmail.com>, "barbara nowalk" <bnowalk at hotmail.com>, "Bea Oliveti" <beatrice.oliveti at gmail.com>, "bettina eulie" <twinnersmom.0797 at gmail.com>, "bonnie kaplan" <goldgrand.67 at verizon.net>, "caryn fitzpatrick" <onyxwulvie at aol.com>, "chrissy crotty" <chrissycrotty at gmail.com>, "christine franz" <thefranz1c at hotmail.com>, "claire aquino" <paquino4 at tampabay.rr.com>, "claire shields" <Claire_Shields at nps.gov>, "dolly and Dom iacobelli" <dollydom1933 at hotmail.com>, "doris hanley" <dorishanley at verizon.net>, "ed and syl grush" <edandsyl at sbcglobal.net>, "ED FEDUSH" <efedush at verizon.net>, "elaine alger" <elaine.alger at gmail.com>, "ernest bartee" <ebartee at optimum.net>, "evie alverez" <ivisla at optonline.net>, "flo and joel bolten" <bolten at jps.net>, "gary lemberg" <lemberg7 at optonline.net>, "helen suggs" <hcs67 at verizon.net>, "hilma bajan" <shortbajan at msn.com>, "jan rushforth" <janrushforth at gmail.com>, "janie degenshein" <jdegen16 at comcast.net>, "jean harris" <jean.harris at verizon.net>, "jeanne schmitz" <jkstcs at verizon.net>, "Jerilyn Higgins" <jdhiggins3 at verizon.net>, "Jerry" <gmoreno001 at carolina.rr.com>, "Jo Luland" <joluland at verizon.net>, "joan gleason" <jmgobt at gmail.com>, "Joe Ruffalo" <nfbnj at yahoo.com>, "john gromann" <johngromann at gmail.com>, "john luland" <jluland at verizon.net>, "judy ruffalo" <judruff1010 at yahoo.com>, "kathy gabry" <SpecialK38 at aol.com>, "Kristyn Leigh" <kristyn at 4dewitt.com>, "Leeann" <leeannc56 at verizon.net>, "les cameron" <underdogmj at comcast.net>, "margaret george" <mgeorge at npl.org>, "marie sawyer" <boomer1998 at netzero.net>, <mark at metromedicalid.com>, "marlene eubanks" <eubanksmar at aol.com>, "maureen lewis" <maureenmlewis at gmail.com>, "Melissa Ca" <melissacamacho11 at yahoo.com>, "michael shacht" <abuyersparadise1 at gmail.com>, "michele chaney" <msc732 at optonline.net>, "pat bunce" <a_bunce at msn.com>, "patti mitchell" <patmitch at optonline.net>, "paul harrison" <margiepaul at verizon.net>, "Rachael Lapidis" <rachael.lapidis at gmail.com>, "REBECCA IRVIN" <rirvin14 at optonline.net>, "renee freeling" <renfre33 at optonline.net>, "richard prince" <fishhuntrwp at msn.com>, "robert anthony ruffalo" <ateamapproach at aol.com>, "Rose hanley" <rfhanley at comcast.net>, "sandra scheffer" <Sandyschef at aol.com>, "sharon austin" <sharonannaustin at hotmail.com>, "steve mendelssohn" <stevemnyc at gmail.com>, "susan vanino" <svanino.ber at hipcil.org>, "susannah and eddie" <fiboguti89 at yahoo.com>, "susie syesma" <susie153 at optimum.net>, "tara carty" <sugarfreet at gmail.com>, <tonebone73 at optonline.net>, "trish ebel" <aimang4 at verizon.net>, "Tuwana reneeko" <cminor55 at hotmail.com>, "tyrone mance" <raizen020711 at gmail.com>, "valerie porter" <porter.valerie at gmail.com>, "Vincent Chaney" <vgc732 at optonline.net>, "wendy padykula" <wpadykula1 at verizon.net>
> Cc: "alice eaddy" <aseanj at netzero.net>, "Alwyn B Glasgow" <alwyn.bg at gmail.com>, "angela perone" <classemt at aol.com>, "caryn fitzpatrick" <onyxwulvie at aol.com>, "janie degenshein" <jdegen16 at comcast.net>, "Jo Luland" <joluland at verizon.net>, "joe Braz" <Jbraz7 at gmail.com>, "Joe Ruffalo" <nfbnj at yahoo.com>, "Johanna Baccan" <24kjo at optonline.net>, "Kathy Rawa" <karmedtrans at aol.com>, "les cameron" <underdogmj at comcast.net>, "linda mackey" <Snowwhite014 at gmail.com>, "Lydia Keller" <Ljkfly1950 at verizon.net>, "marie sawyer" <boomer1998 at netzero.net>, "mary jo partika" <choirnfb at gmail.com>, "michele chaney" <msc732 at optonline.net>, "pat bunce" <a_bunce at msn.com>, "REBECCA IRVIN" <rirvin14 at optonline.net>, "renee freeling" <renfre33 at optonline.net>, "trish ebel" <aimang4 at verizon.net>, "Vincent Chaney" <vgc732 at optonline.net>
> Subject: OTBS Show airs tonight!
> Reply-To: "Janie Degenshein" <jdegen16 at comcast.net>
> Hello All
> Now that the holidays are over, the spirit continues with our show tonight!
> The On the Bright Side Show OTBS show airs tonight at 8 PM
> Janie and Jerry have a great show to begin the 2012 season.
> Our guest is Mike Freeman, a Member of the board of directors, national Federation of the blind .
> In addition to holding a B.A. in physics from Reed College and a M.S. in physics from New Mexico State University, he is an Information Technology Specialist working for the U.S. Department of Energy.
> In the second half of the show, we will feature our seasonal book corner and a hilarious memory lane clip of
> "Sassy Lassies with Grasses!"
> ***
> Now you can listen live via phone so tell those you know without an internet connection!
> To listen to the live show via phone, call:
> 1 347 215 7037.
> ***
> To listen/view log into:
> www.thruoureyes.org
> or for JAWS and other screen reader users:
> m.thruoureyes.org
> Click/Enter on the listen to get the audio only or go a bit further down the
> page for the view and click/enter there for audio and video
> To listen to the live show via phone, call:
> 1 347 215 7037.
> To phone in with a suggestion, comment, or just a shout out:
> 1 888 572 0141
> Looking forward to having you join us tonight!
> Happy listening/Viewing!
> Keep Smiling,
> Janie Degenshein
> "Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have"
> Access Tech Consultant
> Facilitator of ECHO
> (Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
> President, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Senior Division
> Co-host of OTBS On The Bright Side
> www.thruoureyes.org/brightside.html
> jdegen16 at comcast.net
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