[nfbwatlk] small business class

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Sun May 6 16:40:37 UTC 2012

All, I took this class and the follow up classes and know it is a great
resource. I highly recommend if you have a home business or are seriously
thinking of starting a business take it and get ready to learn. 

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In this announcement: small biz webinar and registration information. 



Free Business Planning Webinar
Are you an entrepreneur with a disability who needs a business loan for your
small business? Need help writing your business plan? 

Then sign up for Washington Access Fund's free, accessible, web-based

The next series begins Tuesday, June 5th from 12:00pm-1:30pm and runs weekly
for 7 weeks (every Tuesday). 
To Register:
.	Email: kathy at washingtonaccessfund.org
.	Call: 206-328-5116
.	TTY: 1-888-494-4775
Please give 14 days notice of accommodations needed. Space is limited, sign
up soon to reserve your spot!
"My experience attending the Webinars and networking with staff have proved
to be very useful and I view the end results as a huge personal success." --
Webinar participant.

Our mission is to promote access to technology and economic opportunity for
individuals with disabilities in Washington State. The Washington Access
Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and Community Development Financial
Institution (CDFI).
Washington Access Fund provides: Assistive Technology Loans, Business
Equipment Loans, CCTV Rentals, and Matched Savings IDAs Join the Access Fund
email list. 

Find us on Facebook.


100 South King Suite 280 | Seattle, Washington 98104 US	
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Kathy Gilman, Program Director
Washington Access Fund
100 S. King Street, Suite 280
Seattle, WA 98104
206-328-5126 (fax)
877-428-5116 (toll free)
888-494-4775 (TTY)

Becky Frankeberger
Butterfly Knitting

Custom-made knit throws, shawls, and more!

Phone: 360-426-8389
E-mail: becky at ButterflyKnitting.com
Website: www.ButterflyKnitting.com

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