[nfbwatlk] Successful Snoking Chapter Meeting

Prows, Bennett (HHS/OCR) Bennett.Prows at HHS.GOV
Tue May 15 14:28:46 UTC 2012

The Snoking chapter of the NFB of WA met last Saturday. We met at Georgios in Everett at noon, and the meeting was a great success.  Duane and Carol Smith, Gary and Denise Mackenstadt, Julie Warrington and Tom, Michael Dicknite(sp) and Joseph (no last name remembered at this moment), Sarah (a teacher of the visually impaired from Seattle), Chris Macelli and I were in attendance.  Now I appologize to those whose names I butchered.  Come to the list and fix the spelling or add your last name.:)

Anyway, the crowd heard our national President, Marc Maurer, deliver his Presidential Release for May of 2012, discussed the state of our treasury, talked about both the upcoming national and state conventions, and engaged in a lively discussion of a number of topics concerning education of blind children.

The group agreed to keep the second Saturday time slot for now, and to continue working on other meeting places while going to the restaurant in the mean time. We hope to keep growing and bringing in new members.

A great deal of credit goes to Julie for keeping the chapter on the front burner and providing the incentive for our being there.

Others in attendance are fervently invited to chime in here.

Now, Mike, how was your trip to the CNFB convention in Canada?


Bennett Prows

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