[nfbwatlk] Greater Seattle chapter Holiday Party

mjc59 at q.com mjc59 at q.com
Wed Nov 21 01:59:48 UTC 2012

COME ONE, COME ALL!!  to the Greater Seattle NFBW chapter Holiday Party. 


Everyone is invited to attend our annual Holiday Event! 


Date; Saturday, December 15th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Location; The Rock Bottom Brewery, 1333 5th Avenue, Downtown Seattle  We will have our own separate room, so just tell the staff person who greets you that you are there for the National Federation of the Blind Party. 


The  restaurant is located on the West side of 5th Avenue, mid-block between Union and University Streets. There is an outdoor stairway leading up to the restaurant from 5th. There is also an accessible entrance which is reached by entering on the East side of 4th Ave. between Union and University and taking an elevator up to the restaurant level. For more detailed information about this entrance, please call me at 206-933-7971. 


The restaurant does not open until 11 a.m. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED IN BEFORE 11 A.M. 


Each person will be responsible for paying her/his own bill. We will not be charging a set price nor having a set menu. There will be an open menu; you can order whatever you want from their regular menu. They have soups, salads, appetizers, entrees, burgers, sandwiches, desserts and, of course, lots of great beers! (and other libations) A 20% gratuity will be added to each check. They also have a children's menu. 


There will be a gift exchange for those who wish to participate; bring a gift and you will receive a gift. The maximum suggested value for gifts is $15. 


We welcome members of any chapter, guests, teachers, parents, students, and children. Please come join us  for good food, holiday spirit and good Federation camaraderie!

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