[nfbwatlk] FW: ADA Support/Training Specialist, U of Washington

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Mon Sep 17 20:16:53 UTC 2012

From: jobs-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:jobs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Andrews, David B (DEED)
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 7:45 AM
To: Jobs for the Blind
Subject: [Jobs] ADA Support/Training Specialist, U of Washington

From: Kathe Matrone <matrok at u.washington.edu<mailto:matrok at u.washington.edu>>
Date: Friday, September 14, 2012 11:23 AM
To: Stephen Wooderson <swooderson at rehabnetwork.org<mailto:swooderson at rehabnetwork.org>>
Subject: RE: NW ADA Technical Assistance and Training Position

Hi Steve:

The NW ADA Center is looking for an experienced Technical Assistance and Training Specialist. Can you please disseminate to the VR audience?

This job is now posted.  Applicants can use this link:

Thank you for your assistance.


Kathe Matrone

Kathe Matrone, PhD, CRC
Director, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation
University of Washington Dept. Rehabilitation Medicine
(425) 771-7436
FAX: (425) 774-9303

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