[nfbwatlk] MPAA seeks late rewrites to treaty aid­ing the blind

Mary ellen gabias at telus.net
Sun Jun 23 21:23:01 UTC 2013

There’s a link in this message from the BC Library Association to a Washington Post article about WIPO.  The Motion Picture Association of America is the group primarily responsible for attempting to scuttle WIPO.




From: bcla-list-request at lists.bclibrary.ca [mailto:bcla-list-request at lists.bclibrary.ca] On Behalf Of Ken Haycock
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 7:36 AM
To: bcla-list at lists.bclibrary.ca list
Subject: [BCLA-List] MPAA seeks late rewrites to treaty aid­ing the blind




 <http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=2IY3IQBP72N&preview=article&linkid=5d83c960-6367-4eaf-99ad-83af7c5e171e&pdaffid=khQ%2fMyugMj8IUVCgZcnuEw%3d%3d> MPAA seeks late rewrites to treaty aid­ing the blind
BY KIM­BERLY KINDY  <mailto:kim%1fberly.kindy at wash%1fpost.com> kim­berly.kindy at wash­post.com Tom Ham­burger con­trib­uted to this re­port.
The Washington Post Sunday
Hun­dreds of ne­go­tia­tors from around the world have de­scended on Morocco this week to fi­nal­ize a treaty aimed at en­sur­ing that mil­lions of blind and vi­sion-im­paired peo­ple can get books in ac­ces­si­ble for­mats like au­dio, Braille and large ... <http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=2IY3IQBP72N&preview=article&linkid=5d83c960-6367-4eaf-99ad-83af7c5e171e&pdaffid=khQ%2fMyugMj8IUVCgZcnuEw%3d%3d> read more...



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