[nfbwatlk] 2013 NFBW Scholarship Winners

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at q.com
Fri Sep 27 21:44:43 UTC 2013


I am pleased to announce the winners of our 2013 National Federation of the Blind of Washington scholarships. They are Shawn Berg and Corey Grandstaff. 

Shawn Berg, from Arlington, Washington, is a sophomore at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. He is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with Minors in Aeronautical Engineering, Business Management and Mathematics.
Corey Grandstaff is pursuing a Graduate degree at the University of Northern Colorado in the Teacher of the Visually Impaired program through distance learning while employed as a full-time  Social Studies teacher at the Washington State School for the Blind. He will spend next summer in Greeley, Colorado at the UNC campus earning his certificate in Orientation and Mobility. Corey is a member of our Clarke County chapter. We look forward to getting to know these two bright, engaging blind students at our state convention in Everett in October.

Last night the Scholarship Committee chose these students as scholarship winners. The amount of  their scholarships, one in the amount of $2,000 and one in the amount of $3,000, will be determined during the convention. The scholarships will be awarded at the banquet on Saturday evening, October 19th.

I want to thank the other members of the NFBW Scholarship Committee; Mike Mello, Maria Bradford, Sushil Oswal, Doug Trimble and Bennett Prows, for their hard work and thoughtful deliberations. This is never an easy decision and I appreciate their contributions to this vital program of the National Federation of the Blind of Washington.

Marci Carpenter
Scholarship Committee
National Federation of the Blind
  of Washington

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