[nfbwatlk] Fwd: DSB Bill Tracking Report - Week of April 9, 2015

doug trimble doug.trimble at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 9 19:42:40 UTC 2015

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "DEBORAH E. COOK" <debcook at uw.edu>
> Date: April 9, 2015 at 12:38:03 PM PDT
> To: Bob Huven <bcap at qwestoffice.net>, Debby Phillips <semisweetdebby at gmail.com>, Doug Trimble <doug.trimble at hotmail.com>, "Emilio Vela" <velaem at dshs.wa.gov>, Erica Hansen <Erica.Hansen at wtb.wa.gov>, "Eva L. Eva Larrauri" <elarr at uw.edu>, Gloria walling <glwerstein at juno.com>, "Lou Oma Durand" <louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov>, Nate Marshall <nate.marshall at gmail.com>, Sheila Turner <sheila at edithbishelcenter.org>, Steve Fiksdal <steve at fiksdal.com>, Sue Ammeter <sue.ammeter at cablespeed.com>, Tracy Kahlo <tkahlo at wapave.org>, Yvonne Thomas-Miller <yvonne.mi11ertime at gmail.com>
> Subject: FW: DSB Bill Tracking Report - Week of April 9, 2015
> From: Durand, LouOma (DSB) [mailto:louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 12:37 PM
> Subject: DSB Bill Tracking Report - Week of April 9, 2015
> 1-800-552-7103, (360) 725-3836 or Web site: www.dsb.wa.gov
> P. O. Box 40933 · Olympia, WA 98504-0933
> DSB Bill Tracking Report for 2015 Legislative Session
> April 9, 2015
> The 2015 Regular Legislative Session began January 12, 2015 and will last 105 days. The next cutoff date is April 15, 2015, the last day to consider (pass) opposite house bills (except initiatives and alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, differences between the houses, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session). After the 94th day of the Legislative Session, only initiatives, alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, matters that affect state revenue, messages pertaining to amendments, differences between the houses, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session may be considered.  (Session Cutoff Calendar)
> Note: Companion Measures are listed separately under House and Senate. The companion bill numbers are in parentheses ( ).Descriptions/Digests of bills with companion measures will be under the House Bill number and not repeated under the Senate Bill numbers. Bills with an asterisk (*) before them, have been added since the previous Bill Tracking Report. You can click on the bill numbers and be taken directly to the complete bill information on the Washington State Legislature’s website. FYI, all committee schedules are subject to change.
> All Senate committees will be utilizing an electronic sign-in program for public hearings. The sign-in program will be accessible starting at 12:01 A.M. on the day of the public hearing. Committee Staff will be available prior to public hearings to answer any questions and assist those signing in to testify.
> All committee hearings are broadcast available as streaming video over the TVW website and many hearings are televised live on TVW.
> Bill comments
> The Legislature has implemented a new bill comment form from which you may also send a message to a legislator. For details, go to: https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/.
> Following is a key to bill abbreviations:
> SB - Senate Bill. A bill introduced in the Senate.
> HB - House Bill. A bill introduced in the House.
> SSB or SHB - An “S” before a House Bill or a Senate Bill indicates a Substitute Bill. This means the bill was amended from the original version.
> 2SSB or 2SHB - A “2” indicates a second substitute. This means the bill was amended by a second committee typically a fiscal committee.
> ESB or EHB - An “E” indicates an engrossed bill. This means the bill was amended on the floor of the chamber before it passed out of the house of origin.
> HB 1039 – Allowing the use of a signature stamp for voting purposes.
> Sponsors: Representatives S. Hunt, N. Johnson
> Summary: Allows a person who is unable to write or sign his or her name because of a physical disability to sign a voter registration affidavit and to vote either by making his or her mark or by using a signature stamp.
> Status:
> December 9, 2014 – pre-filed for introduction
> January 12, 2015 – First reading, referred to State Government
> January 15, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on State Government at 1:30 PM in anticipation of other legislative action.
> January 22, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government at 1:30 PM
> SG – Executive action taken by committee.
> SG – Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
> January 27, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> HB 1143 – Allowing voters to return a voted ballot and signed declaration by fax or email.
> Sponsors: Representatives S. Hunt, Reykdal, Bergquist, Appleton, Dunshee, Orwall, Tarleton, Robinson, Gregerson, Ormsby, Riccelli, Ryu, Springer, Jinkins, Walkinshaw, Pollet
> Summary: Act containing a provision that any voter may return the signed declaration and voted ballot by fax or email by 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary or election, and the county auditor must use established procedures to maintain the secrecy of the ballot.
> Status:
> January 14, 2015 – First reading, referred to State Government
> January 27, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on State Government at 10:00 AM.
> February 5, 2015 – Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on State Government at 1:30 PM.
> SG - Executive action taken by committee.
> SG - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Representatives S. Hunt, Chair; Bergquist, Vice Chair; Appleton, and Gregory.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Holy, Ranking Minority Member; Van Werven, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Hawkins )
> February 9, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> HB 1154 – Creating the affordable college for everyone grant contract program.
> Sponsors: Representatives Bergquist, Zeiger, Muri, Haler, Pollet, Moscoso
> Summary: By redesigning the program to allow a larger number of qualified students to attend the state's institutions of higher education without paying for tuition up front and without relying on the increasingly expensive federal student loans. Includes provision proposing comprehensive policies and programs to encourage students to prepare for, understand how to access, and pursue postsecondary college and career programs, including specific policies and programs for students with disabilities.
> Status:
> January 14, 2015 – First reading, referred to Higher Education
> January 28, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM.
> February 20, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Higher Education at 10:00 AM.
> HE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives Hansen, Chair; Pollet, Vice Chair; Bergquist, Gregory, Reykdal, Sells, and Tarleton.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representative Van Werven.)
> Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Representatives Zeiger, Ranking Minority Member; Haler, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Hargrove, Holy, and Stambaugh.)
> Referred to Appropriations.
> HB 1210 – Concerning poll-site voting and voting identification requirements.
> Sponsors: Representatives G. Hunt, Taylor, Muri, Zeiger
> Summary: Act relating to elections pertaining to poll-site voting and voting identification requirements with provisions stating the voting center must provide at least one voting unit certified by the secretary of state that provides access to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, enabling them to vote with privacy and independence.
> Status:
> January15, 2015 – First reading, referred to State Government
> January 29, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on State Government  at 1:30 PM.
> HB 1238 – Concerning affordable tuition planning
> Sponsors: Representatives Pollet, Haler, Bergquist, Hargrove, Sells, Fitzgibbon, Fey, Tarleton
> Summary: Contains, among other items, language proposing comprehensive policies and programs to encourage students to prepare for, understand how to access, and pursue postsecondary college and career programs, including specific policies and programs for students with disabilities.
> Status:
> January 15, 2015 – First reading, referred to Higher Education
> January 28, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM.
> February 11, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM.
> HE - Executive action taken by committee.
> HE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives Hansen, Chair; Pollet, Vice Chair; Haler, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bergquist, Gregory, Hargrove, Holy, Reykdal, Sells, and Tarleton.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Stambaugh and Van Werven.)
> Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Representative Zeiger, Ranking Minority Member.)
> ·         February 16, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review
> ·         March 4, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> ·         March 5, 2015 – 1st substitute bill substituted (HE 15).
> o   Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> o   Third reading, passed; yeas, 60; nays, 38; absent, 0; excused, 0.
> ·         March 9, 2015 – First reading, referred to Higher Education.
> ·         March 17, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Higher Education at 1:30 PM.
> HB 1636 – Requiring disability employment reporting by state agencies.
> Sponsors: Representatives MacEwen, Griffey
> Summary: An act stating that, by January 31st of each year, state agencies employing one hundred or more people must submit the report to the human resources director, with copies to the director of the department of social and health services, division of vocational rehabilitation and the governor's disability employment task force; and detailing contents of the report. (This act may be known and cited as the state disability employment parity act.)
> Status:
> January 26, 2015 – First reading, referred to State Government
> February 10, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on State Government  at 10:00 AM.
> February 19, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government at 1:30 PM.
> SG - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives S. Hunt, Chair; Bergquist, Vice Chair; Holy, Ranking Minority Member; Van Werven, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Appleton, Gregory, and Hawkins.)
> February 20, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> February 27, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> March 3, 2015 – 1st substitute bill substituted (SG 15).
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 97; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1.
> March 5, 2015 – First reading, referred to Government Operations & Security.
> March 24, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Security at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change)
> March 26, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Security at 10:00 AM.
> March 27, 2015 – Passed to Rules Committee for second reading
> April 8, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee
> HB 1794 – Concerning early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. (SB 5879)
> Sponsors: Representatives Sawyer, Walsh, Kagi, S. Hunt, McBride
> By Request: Department of Early Learning
> Summary: Changes the name of the birth-to-six interagency coordinating council to the birth-to-three interagency coordinating council. Specifies that the department of early learning is the lead agency with regard to early intervention services.
> Status:
> January 29, 2015 – First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> February 11, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM.  
> February 13, 2015 – Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 11:00 AM.  
> February 13, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 11:00 AM. 
> ELHS - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Representatives Kagi, Chair; Walkinshaw, Vice Chair; Walsh, Ranking Minority Member; Dent, Kilduff, Ortiz-Self, Sawyer, and Senn.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Scott, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; McCaslin.)
> February 17, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> HB 1947 – Establishing a comprehensive plan to expand learning opportunities and improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities or special needs using multiple strategies and statewide partnerships.
> Sponsors: Representatives Pollet, Walsh, Santos, S. Hunt, Orwall, Ortiz-Self, Tarleton, Kagi, Bergquist, Robinson, Gregerson, Ryu
> Summary: The legislature finds that students with disabilities or special needs are not succeeding in the state's public schools or meeting their potential at the levels that they would be able to achieve if barriers to success were recognized and support provided, particularly at early ages. It is the legislature's intent that the state adopt a ten-year goal to eliminate the most significant barriers to the success of students with disabilities or special needs, and to eliminate the disparity in outcomes between students, in special education and other students, caused by such barriers.
> Status:
> ·         February 3, 2015 – First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> ·         February 16, 2015 – Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 1:30 PM.
> ·         February 19, 2015 – Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Education  at 8:00 AM.
> o   ED - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives Santos, Chair; Ortiz-Self, Vice Chair; Reykdal, Vice Chair; Magendanz, Ranking Minority Member; Muri, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Stambaugh, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bergquist, Caldier, Fagan, Gregory, Griffey, Hayes, S. Hunt, Kilduff, Lytton, Orwall, Pollet, and Springer.)
> o   Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Klippert and McCaslin.)
> o   Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Representative Hargrove.)
> ·         February 20, 2015 – Referred to Appropriations.
> ·         February 26, 2015 – Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
> ·         February 27, 2015 – Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
> HB 2063 – Creating an investment program for individuals with disabilities.  (SB 6043)
> Sponsors: Representatives Kilduff, Kagi, Jinkins, Springer, Hunter, Ormsby, Tharinger, Tarleton
> Summary: Creates the Washington achieving a better life experience program in the department of commerce to allow for the creation of savings accounts for eligible individuals with disabilities. Creates the Washington achieving a better life experience program account. Authorizes the state investment board to invest, reinvest, manage, contract, sell, or exchange investment money in the account.
> Status:
> February 10, 2015 – First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> February 18, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM.
> February 20, 2015 – Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 10:00 AM.
> ELHS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives Kagi, Chair; Walkinshaw, Vice Chair; Walsh, Ranking Minority Member; Dent, Hawkins, Kilduff, Ortiz-Self, Sawyer, and Senn.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Scott, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; McCaslin.)
> Referred to Appropriations.
> February 26, 2015 – Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM
> February 27, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
>  APP - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Representatives Hunter, Chair; Ormsby, Vice Chair; Chandler, Ranking Minority Member; Parker, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Wilcox, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Buys, Carlyle, Cody, Condotta, Dent, Dunshee, Fagan, Haler, Hansen, Hudgins, S. Hunt, Jinkins, Kagi, Lytton, MacEwen, Magendanz, Pettigrew, Sawyer, Schmick, Senn, Springer, Stokesbary, Sullivan, Tharinger, Van Werven, and Walkinshaw.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives G. Hunt and Taylor.)
> Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> March 9, 2015 – Executive Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
> March 10, 2015 – Executive 2nd substitute bill substituted (APP 15).
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 89; nays, 8; absent, 0; excused, 1.
> March 12, 2015 – First reading, referred to Health Care.
> March 23, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change)
> March 24, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM. (Committee Materials) 
> March 25, 2015 – HLTH - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Senators Becker, Chair; Dammeier, Vice Chair; Frockt, Ranking Minority Member; Brown, Cleveland, Conway, Jayapal, Keiser, Parlette, and Rivers.)
> And refer to Ways & Means.
> Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Senators Angel and Bailey.)
> Referred to Ways & Means. Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. 
> April 6, 2015 – Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM.
> April 7, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM.
> WM - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Senators Hill, Chair; Braun, Vice Chair; Dammeier, Vice Chair; Honeyford, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Hargrove, Ranking Member; Keiser, Assistant Ranking Member on the Capital Budget; Ranker, Ranking Minority Member, Operating; Bailey, Becker, Billig, Brown, Conway, Fraser, Hasegawa, Hatfield, Hewitt, Kohl-Welles, O'Ban, Parlette, Rolfes, Schoesler, and Warnick.)
> Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Senator Padden.)
> Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> HB 2195 – Modifying certain auditor's fees.
> Sponsors: Representatives Lytton, Walkinshaw, Orwall, Chandler, Fagan
> Summary: Increases the surcharge that county auditors and recording officers are required to collect for recording instruments. Includes provision for a one dollar surcharge increase for real estate recording, to be deposited into the Washington state heritage center account created in RCW 43.07.129, to fund the budget short fall for the Washington State Library.
> Status:
> March 19, 2015 – First reading, referred to Appropriations (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> March 30, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM. (Subject to change)
> April 6, 2015 – Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 10:00 AM.
> April 7, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
> APP - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Representatives Hunter, Chair; Ormsby, Vice Chair; Chandler, Ranking Minority Member; Parker, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Wilcox, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Carlyle, Cody, Dent, Dunshee, Fagan, Haler, Hansen, Hudgins, S. Hunt, Jinkins, Kagi, Lytton, MacEwen, Magendanz, Pettigrew, Sawyer, Senn, Springer, Stokesbary, Sullivan, Tharinger, and Walkinshaw.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Buys, Condotta, G. Hunt, Taylor, and Van Werven.)
> Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> SB 5184 – Authorizing counties to establish and conduct polling place voting
> Sponsors: Senator Benton
> Summary: Act relating to authorizing counties to establish and conduct polling place voting; amending existing RCW and adding new chapter including provisions that polling places must be accessible to people with disabilities.
> Status:
> January15, 2015 – First reading, referred to Government Operations & State Security.
> January 22, 2015 – Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & State Security at 10:00 AM
> February 3, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Security at 10:00 AM.
> GOS - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Senators Roach, Chair; Bento, Vice Chair; Pearson, Vice Chair; Dansel)
> Minority; do not pass (Signed by Senators Liias, Ranking Minority Member; McCoy)
> February 4, 2015 – Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> March 3, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> March 23, 2015 – Senate Rules "X" file.
> SB 5436 – Concerning the joint legislative executive committee on aging and disability.
> Sponsors: Senators Bailey, Dammeier
> Summary: Creates the joint legislative executive committee on aging and disability and requires the committee to: (1) Identify key strategic actions to prepare for the aging of the population in the state, including state budget and policy options; and (2) Consult with the office of the insurance commissioner, the caseload forecast council, the state health care authority, and other appropriate entities with specialized knowledge of the needs and growth trends of the aging population and people with disabilities.
> Status:
> January 21, 2015 – First reading, referred to Health Care.
> February 3, 2015 – Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM.
> February 10, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM.
> February 11, 2015 – HLTH - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Senators Becker, Chair; Frockt, Ranking Minority Member; Angel, Bailey, Baumgartner, Brown, Cleveland, Conway, Jayapal, Keiser, Parlette, and Rivers.)
> Minority; without recommendation. (Signed by Senator Dammeier, Vice Chair.)
> Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> March 6, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> March 9, 2015 – 1st substitute bill substituted (HLTH 15).
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0.
> March 11, 2015 – First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> March 20, 2015 – Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. 
> March 26, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM
> HCW - Majority; do pass with amendment(s). (Signed by Representatives Cody, Chair; Riccelli, Vice Chair; Clibborn, Jinkins, Johnson, Moeller, Robinson, Tharinger, and Van De Wege.)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Schmick, Ranking Minority Member; Harris, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Caldier, Rodne, and Short.)
> March 31, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> SB 5524 – Enhancing the employment of persons with disabilities.
> Sponsors: Senators Sheldon, Rivers, Parlette, Angel, Bailey, Becker, Warnick, Honeyford, Brown, Dammeier, Conway
> Summary: By January 31st of each year, state agencies employing one hundred or more people must submit a report to the human resources director within the office of financial management, with copies to the director of the department of social and health services' division of vocational rehabilitation and the governor's committee on disabilities and employment, and detailing contents of the report. (This act may be known and cited as the state disability employment parity act.)
> Status:
> January 23, 2015 – First reading, referred to Government Operations & State Security.
> February 19, 2015 – Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Security at 10:00 AM.
> February 20, 2015 – GOS - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Senators Roach, Chair; Benton, Vice Chair; Pearson, Vice Chair; Liias, Ranking Minority Member; Dansel, Habib, and McCoy.)
> Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> March 3, 2015 – Placed on second reading consent calendar.
> March 4, 2015 – Floor amendment(s) adopted.
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1.
> March 6, 2015 – First reading, referred to State Government (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> April 1, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing and executive session in the House Committee on State Government at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)
> SB 5679 – Concerning transition services for special education students.
> Sponsors: Senators McAuliffe, Litzow, Dammeier, Hasegawa, Liias, Chase, Rolfes, Jayapal, Parlette, Conway
> Summary: The legislature finds that research continues to suggest that high expectations for students with disabilities is paramount to improving student outcomes. The legislature also encourages continuous development in transition services to higher education opportunities for these students. To remove barriers and obstacles for students with disabilities to access to postsecondary settings including higher education, the legislature intends to authorize transition planning for students with disabilities as early as age fourteen, when age appropriate.
> Status:
> January 28, 2015 – First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.
> February 5, 2015 – Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 8:00 AM.
> February 17, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM.
> February 18, 2015 – EDU - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (Signed by Senators Litzow, Chair; Dammeier, Vice Chair; McAuliffe, Ranking Member; Billig, Fain, Hill, Mullet, Rivers, and Rolfes.)
> Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> March 3, 2015 – Made eligible to be placed on second reading.
> March 4, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> March 5, 2015 – 1st substitute bill substituted (EDU 15).
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1.
> March 9, 2015 – First reading, referred to Education (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
> March 19, 2015 – Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM.
> March 30, 2015 – Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education at 10:00 AM.
> ED - Majority; do pass with amendment(s). (Signed by Representatives Santos, Chair; Ortiz-Self, Vice Chair; Reykdal, Vice Chair; Magendanz, Ranking Minority Member; Muri, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Stambaugh, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bergquist, Caldier, Fagan, Gregory, Griffey, Hargrove, S. Hunt, Kilduff, Lytton, McCaslin, Orwall, Pollet, and Springer)
> Minority; do not pass. (Signed by Representatives Hayes and Klippert.)
> April 1, 2015 – Referred to Rules 2 Review.
> April 8, 2015 – Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
> April 9, 2015 – Committee amendment adopted with no other amendments.
> Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
> Third reading, passed; yeas, 84; nays, 13; absent, 0; excused, 1. 
> SB 5879 – Concerning early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. (HB 1794)
> Sponsors: Senator Billig
> By Request: Department of Early Learning
> Summary: An Act relating to early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families which changes the state birth-to-six interagency coordinating council to birth-to-three interagency coordinating council. The bill also proposes to add clarification to existing legislation.
> Status:
> February 6, 2015 – First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education.
> February 16, 2015 – Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 PM. 
> February 19, 2015 – Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 8:00 AM. 
> EDU - Majority; do pass. (Signed by Senators Litzow, Chair; Dammeier, Vice Chair; McAuliffe, Ranking Member; Billig, Fain, Hill, Mullet, Rivers, and Rolfes.)
> February 20, 2015 – Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
> February 26, 2015 – Placed on second reading consent calendar.
> March 4, 2015 – Placed on second reading.
> March 23, 2015 – Senate Rules "X" file.
> For information on Budget Proposal(s) go to: http://leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/default.asp.
> When visiting the Legislature, or testifying – here are some links that may help with effective participation in the Legislative Process in Washington State:
> Find Your Legislator
> Glossary of Legislative Terms
> House and Senate Member Rosters
> How a Bill Becomes a Law
> How to Testify in Committee
> Overview of the Legislative Process 
> Washington State Elected Officials
> Washington State Government Agencies Index
> If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about legislation in the DSB Bill Tracking Report, please contact LaDell Lockwood at (206) 906-5529 or by email at: ladell.lockwood at dsb.wa.gov. 
> Sincerely yours,
> Lou Oma Durand, Executive Director
> Department of Services for the Blind
> Email: Louoma.Durand at dsb.wa.gov
> Phone: 360-725-3835 or 206-906-5535 / Toll free: 1-800-552-7103
> Visit our web site at: http://www.dsb.wa.gov

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