[nfbwatlk] FW: ProTactile Newsletter April 2015

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Mon Apr 27 18:55:26 UTC 2015

From: Sam Smith [mailto:ssmith at seattledbsc.org]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 11:36 AM
To: DBSC Info
Subject: ProTactile Newsletter April 2015

Message from Angela Theriault, Executive Director
Happy Spring! Hope you enjoy touching and smelling all the beautiful blooming flowers!
Thank you for your recent generosity to DBSC. Your commitment to helping the Deaf-Blind community and cherishing DBSC's mission of supporting their independence is appreciated by both the Deaf-Blind and those who serve them.
Message from Jorge Aristizabal. Board President
Hello Deaf-Blind Community including SSP's, Board members, and other friends! The sun is finally rising early, which means plenty of light so Deaf-Blind friends can start enjoying longer days, smile.
I recently went on a trip to Columbia to give workshops to the Deaf-Blind communities there. I went to four cities, the first only having one Deaf-Blind attendee, the second city had 3 Deaf-Blind, the third city there was a much larger group of 17 Deaf-Blind and the last city there were 5 Deaf-Blind. All of the workshops I presented, there were many Deaf individuals who also attended. The workshops topics included Support Service Providers (SSPs), O&M training, independent living skills, busses/transportation services, how to self-advocate, and how to approach the government to receive funding to establish similar service centers within Columbia. I really enjoyed the experience and many people commented on how compassionate I am to be taking time to teach other Deaf-Blind people. Some attendees thought I was paid to come and present, but I was not. I volunteered my time and paid my own way so that I could come to Columbia and present to the Deaf-Blind communities. For the last day I was in Columbia, I was able to enjoy quality time with my family and we celebrated my birthday together. I had a lot of fun while visiting!
I would like to welcome our new DBSC Board members, Diane Poulin and Jasper Norman, both joined the board about two months ago. We are hoping to add one more board member, preferably someone who is not employed by the Lighthouse for the Blind.
DBSC has some fun events planned this year. July 11th will be DBSC/WSDBC's picnic/cookout. September 19th will be DBSC's Walkathon. The chairperson for the Walkathon is Nancy Sommer. Next, DBSC's Jail and Bail is being planned. The chairperson for the Jail and Bail is Holly Delcambre. Another event that is still being planned is a Wine Tasting event, which is co-chaired by Angela Theriault and Roger Poulin. Lastly, a dinner at a restaurant is being planned, but we will share more information when we know the details. We hope you are able to join all our fun events this year!
That is the end of my message. I hope you all enjoy Spring as we await Summer to arrive. Hugs to all! -Jorge
New DBSC Staff
Debra Kahn
Hello there!  My name is Debra Kahn and I'm the new SSP Coordinator at DBSC.  I look forward to working with many of you!  I am DB with Ushers Type 3, and I have a brother (plus a late brother) and two double-first cousins that also have Ushers.  I was born in Montana and grew up in Iowa since 9 years old.  I am the only girl in my family with 4 brothers.  I attended the mainstreamed public schools from K to 8th grade with no ASL interpreters, then I went to Iowa School for the Deaf during my high school years.  I attended and graduated from Gallaudet University with a BA in Psychology.  I got married to Paul (deaf) and have two children, both of our hearing kids are in college now.  I used to live in Baltimore, MD, then to Harrogate, England, then to Yakima, WA before moving to Seattle to start my new job at DBSC.  I love to travel, read a good book, relax by the beach, and socialize with friends.
Samantha Smith
Sam Smith here, a warm hello to all of you! I am the new Administrative Assistant at DBSC. Let me share my journey into the Deaf-Blind community. I began learning ASL in 2008. I remember going to DBCC to observe and felt in awe of what was going on. It was these experiences that sparked my curiosity about the Deaf-Blind world. Two years later I decided to enter the Interpreter Training Program. In summer of 2011, I attended Seabeck DB Retreat and loved it! In 2012, I graduated from ITP, but needed to get my Bachelor's degree in order to become RID Certified. In fall of 2012, I transferred to the University of Washington and last year I graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology, minoring in Disabilities Studies. I hope to become a certified interpreter this year, fingers crossed. I also plan to go to graduate school but have not decided where. Until then, I will be working here at DBSC and staying involved with the DB Community. In my spare time, I enjoy making art, being outside, reading, learning and spending quality time with friends and family.

New DBSC Board of Directors/ Update Board of Directors
DBSC is excited to announce that Diane Poulin and Jasper Norman, both are Deaf-Blind, are now DBSC board members.  Warm Welcome to the new members!
Here is the updated Board of Directors
Jorge Aristizabal - President
Christopher Loomis - Vice President
Greg Donoghue - Secretary
Kevin Payne - Treasurer
Kevin Anderson
Jasper Norman
Diane Poulin

NEEDED: Hearing Support Service Providers (SSPs)
The SSP serves as the eyes and ears of the person who is Deaf-Blind.
DBSC recruits SSP to assists with food shopping, basic banking, mail reading, errands, exercise for health purposes, and providing rides to the airport.
Are you motivated to provide access to individuals with a variety of hearing and vision loss?
Do you have some skills in verbal descriptions, guiding or interested to learn? (ASL skills are optional)
Do you have some free time and want a side job to earn some extra income?
If you answer yes to the above, WE NEED YOU!!
Deaf-Blind Service Center (DBSC) is searching for potential candidates to work as sub-contracted SSPs with our Deaf-Blind clients in the following areas: King County (including Snoqualmie area) and Pierce County
Training will be provided at a fee (TBD).  Must have a car, be able to pass background check, and obtain a business license.
If interested, contact Debra Kahn at ssp at seattledbsc.org

Save These Dates
Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG Day - Tues May 5, 2015. You can support DBSC by making donations through GiveBIG. For more information, visit: Seattlefoundation/DBSC www.seattlefoundation.org/npos/Pages/Deaf-BlindServiceCenter.aspx<http://www.seattlefoundation.org/npos/Pages/Deaf-BlindServiceCenter.aspx>

DBSC/WSDBC Picnic - Saturday, July 11, 2015
The picnic will be held at Woodland Park, Shelter #6, from 10 am to 2 pm. More information will be posted later on DBSC's website.

DBSC's Annual Walk-A-Thon - Saturday, September 19, 2015, at Alki Beach. More information will be posted later on DBSC's website.

This concludes the ProTactile Newsletter for April 2015. Thank you!

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