[nfbwatlk] Our meeting tonight

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 03:07:48 UTC 2015

Hi, I'm sending this in case there are people who might want to 
come to our first meeting of WASAGDU at the National Federation 
washington Convention.  If people want more info they can also
call or text me: 509-690-4624; or send email to 
semisweetdebby%gmail.com.  ---- Original Message ------
Subject: Our meeting tonight

Hi all, just wanted to let you all know a couple things.  First 
of all, Kaye will be sending out the Constitution to everybody on 
the list.  Once you get it, I'd urge you to read it carefully.  
If you have any questions, of course you can always write to me, 
or better yet, come to the convention and to our meeting which 
will be at 4:30 Friday afternoon.  We have an hghr and a half to 
meet, so it will be a full agenda.
I .  be getting the agenda out to you all after I get some 
inofmation from Marci, which should be tomorrow or Tuesday.  
Looking forward to seeing you all at the convention!

One more thing, if you plan on joining WASAGDU, please bring your 
$5 for the meeting at 4:30.  If you are NAGDU members, you can 
let us know that at the meeting.  You will not need to pay dues 
both nNation and to WASAGDU.  We would, of cghrse take any 
donations.  (Smile).

  Debby Phillips, Acting President, Washington Association of 
Guide Dog Users: WASAGDU.

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