[nfbwatlk] Seattle Chapter Draft Meeting Notes

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 22:10:29 UTC 2016

FEBURARY 20 2016

First Draft – Waiting approval at March 2016 meeting.

•	Arielle called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM.
•	Arielle informed the membership on how the new layout of future meetings.
•	Introductions of officers, membership, and visitors.
•	The January 2016 minutes were approved with one suggestion.  Noel
mentioned that the Superintendent search is for the for the Washington
State School for the Blind.  This has been amended in the January 2016
•	The treasurer reports a current balance of $1,725.33.  The
treasurer’s report was approved as read.
•	The Presidential Release was played.
•	Arielle gave an update on how interested people can stay informed on
events of the NFB and the available resources such as Newsline,
Braille Monitor, etc.
•	Noel gave the state report due to the state president (Marci) being
out of town.  The state board is planning their fundraising activities
for the purpose of helping interested people to conventions and
funding NFB scholarships for students.
•	Arielle gave an update on fundraising.  Two committees have been
formed and anyone who is interested in being a part of the new
fundraising and membership boards are welcomed to join.
•	Tanna was the spotlight speaker about life as a blind person.
Topics included not being allowed to use a cane while growing up in
Fort Washakie, Wyoming.  She talked about going through high school
and college.  After her first year of college being a dive, she talked
about going through the Nebraska Training Center at the Nebraska
Commission for the Blind in Lincoln, Nebraska.  After living and
working there for 18 years, she talked about her move to Seattle,
getting married, and her jobs at Safeco Field and CenturyLink Field.
•	Anyone who is interested in being the spotlight speaker at future
meetings can sign up for the month of interest.
•	Jacob gave an update on the Metro concerns and pending changes
taking place as of March 19, 2016.  The Link Light Rail will be
opening up their new stop in the U-District close to Husky Stadium.
However, Metro will need to take necessary steps to improve the volume
on their automated stop announcements on different coach modals (both
externally and internally).
•	The Questions about blindness box is now available at meetings.
There will be a link on future chapter meeting emails on how to ask
questions.  Anyone interested can also ask questions via post card in
braille or print at meetings.
•	The March 2016 meeting topic will be sports and recreation.
•	The discussion involved topics such as training centers, using a
knife safely in the kitchen, to being able to get yourself unlost
while venturing out with a white cane.
•	The meeting was adjourned at 12:01 PM.

Respectfully submitted by
Tanna Dieken, Secretary
February 20, 2016

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