[NFBWATLK] FW: [NWUDC] Civic technology hackathon - Age Friendly Seattle

Peggy Martinez peggymartinez10 at icloud.com
Thu Aug 31 18:11:57 UTC 2017

In case this is of interest


From: Stewart, Irene [mailto:Irene.Stewart at SEATTLE.GOV] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 5:58 PM
Subject: [NWUDC] Civic technology hackathon - Age Friendly Seattle




I want to let you know about A City for All, the Age Friendly Seattle
hackathon at City Hall on the weekend of September 22 to 24, starting Friday
evening and ending Sunday afternoon.  Information and tickets (FREE) are
available at www.eventbrite.com/e/a-city-for-all-tickets-36417003237
<http://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-city-for-all-tickets-36417003237> . 


Special guests include Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw and Colin
Ellard, a neuroscientist from University of Waterloo who's done
groundbreaking work on the relationships between humans, urban environments,
and digital technologies. Read more about Colin at http://colinellard.com/.
We'll also have several lightning talks to help you get a solid grounding in
age-friendly and accessibility issues and inspire you to think innovatively
about how technology can help us build a city for all.


Teams will compete in four categories: Best Overall Innovation, Best
Accessibility Hack, Best Use of Open Data, and Best Data Visualization.
Please note: These are not mutually exclusive (the Best Overall Innovation
could also win in one of the other three categories).  


The Eventbrite page will be updated soon regarding terms and conditions,
team sizes, and other details. The main thing to know is that, to be
eligible, teams must have at least three people, must work on-site, and, if
building on an existing project or initiative, must clearly demonstrate what
was built newly at the event. 


Judges will be from the Age-Friendly Seattle Initiative, Impact Hub Seattle,
Microsoft's Accessibility team, Tableau, Socrata, and AARP.


Seattle City Hall is ADA compliant. If you have any additional accessibility
needs, e-mail candace.faber at seattle.gov <mailto:candace.faber at seattle.gov>
ASAP so she has time to arrange accommodations.


Please feel free to share this information. All RSVPs should go through the
Eventbrite site linked above, and all questions should be addressed to
candace.faber at seattle.gov <mailto:candace.faber at seattle.gov> . 


~ Irene


Irene Stewart

Project Manager, Age Friendly Seattle

City of Seattle

www.seattle.gov/agefriendly <http://www.seattle.gov/agefriendly>  




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