[NFBWATLK] FW: Webinar Sept. 12: The Many Ways of Wayfinding

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Tue Jul 18 15:42:16 UTC 2017

From: Miranda Levy [mailto:tammi at ccer.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Miranda Levy
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 7:50 AM
To: Nightingale, Noel
Subject: Webinar Sept. 12: The Many Ways of Wayfinding










The Many Ways of Wayfinding:
Current Best Practices in Wayfinding for People
who are Blind and Have Sight Disabilities


Northwest ADA Center

 Webinar Series

For more information and to register
Click Here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001lz1qe96FVtoFRRKXV8isMjiUv2aiG8VrYDlBcHS8SAEy55XVYQlJkKCr6Of4fZpNvWf9BHNIB7vYJuxBpT6nOhNnTqSKcB2ekPZpVpKsYGE5g6BJ5IL2Rz-M3WCFIs4CtLtQ_7WpjZ5sWkx0fEGWqCdRgwc8zLSnZODsLxrNxDonp7fuze3reQGuB4MPp0MF&c=kIkSot4B3THG7ZATFoN_rQKMhY4hL5pCmASMb8z777EZrxtybI56Lw==&ch=USze3AqDFoHcBHFluNAhF1Q2PY2PI9OEG45ILNXRJK_6aPygj_P4pA==>

$45 per site

Tuesday, Sept. 12

10:00-11:30am PT

Participants have the option of requesting:
1.5 CRC credits,1.5 ACTCP Elective credits, 1.5 ACVREP credits, or a Letter of Attendance.

With speaker

Peggy Martinez
Creative Inclusion, LLC

Learning Objectives

  1.  Overview of the varied conditions of blindness and low vision.
  2.  Learn about the tools and techniques people who are blind and sight-impaired use in indoor and outdoor wayfinding.
  3.  Learn about distinctive walking surfaces, edges, and borders; color and contrast; and braille and  tactile maps.

In this 90-minute webinar, speaker Peggy Martinez will discuss a variety of issues involving wayfinding, including the following:
What is wayfinding?

  *   The varied conditions of blindness and low vision.
  *   How do people who are blind and sight-impaired navigate in the world, tools and techniques?
  *   What is orientation and mobility?
  *   Indoor vs outdoor navigation.
  *   Use of sound, texture, natural conditions and  topography in wayfinding.
  *   Low tech vs high tech wayfinding tools.
  *   Signage, braille, raised print, high contrast and directionality.
  *   Obstructions and protrusions.
  *   Wayfinding in large open spaces such as transit. terminals,  stadium entrances, campuses  and parks.
About Peggy
Peggy Martinez has worked in the disability accessibility sector since 1995 in higher education, as a business owner, and in nonprofit management. Her background includes:

  *   Technology assessment and training for customer education and employment.
  *   Section 508 and web accessibility training for businesses.
  *   Usability testing for large tech companies.
  *   Environmental and wayfinding accessibility for private and public organizations.
  *   Accessibility policy development and employee accommodation for private and public organizations.
  *   Presenter on technology and accessibility.
  *   Marketing, sales, and public relations for tech firms and consumer organizations.
Peggy founded Creative Inclusion LLC to partner with public and private organizations to design and implement indoor and outdoor wayfinding and walkability strategies for people who are blind. Accessibility is achieved with tactile features, use of contrast, interactive maps, kiosks, diagrams, signage, GPS and IBeacon technologies.
Peggy shares and teaches accessible way-finding strategies through:

  *   Accessibility assessments and discovery walks.
  *   Recommendation of solutions using existing legislation and best practices.
  *   Recommendation and sourcing of appropriate technologies and materials.
  *   Testing and evaluation throughout project.
  *   Reporting and presentation to stakeholders.
  *   Disability awareness training for staff and stakeholders.

Live Closed-Captioning
will be available during the presentation.

For questions about the webinar: Miranda Levy
· e-mail: levym at uw.edu<mailto:levym at uw.edu>
· phone: (425) 774-2303

The Northwest ADA Center is a member of the ADA National Network. [http://files.constantcontact.com/8d261d98001/ba31e03b-2375-44a7-8128-ca62f5198286.jpg] The content of this webinar was developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90DP0095). NIDILRR is a center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The content of this presentation does not necessarily represent the policy of the NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

Northwest ADA Center
Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation
University of Washington
6912 220th Street SW, Suite 105
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043
Contact levym at uw.edu<mailto:levym at uw.edu>  for more information or to register
direct: 425-248-2480 VP: 425-233-8913
toll-free (Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska): 800-949-4232

Northwest ADA Center, 6912 220th Street SW, Suite 105, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

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