[NFBWATLK] FW: ODHH TownHall @ DBSC - Rescheduled to Dec. 5th!

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Tue Oct 10 15:27:08 UTC 2017

From: Heather Melendez - DBSC [mailto:AdminAssistant at seattledbsc.org]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2017 1:54 PM
To: DBSC Info
Subject: ODHH TownHall @ DBSC - Rescheduled to Dec. 5th!
Importance: High

*Please note: ODHH TownHall discussion about Interpreter Issues has been rescheduled from tomorrow, Oct. 10th, 2017 to Dec. 5th, 2017. Please see original below message for further details.*

Dear DeafBlind Community,

This is Berle Ross from ODHH.

ODHH will have a meeting about your interpreters on Tuesday, December 5th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at DBSC in Seattle.

We will provide Close Vision and Tactile and ProTactile Interpreters.

What about interpreters? ODHH is traveling around Washington State collecting feedback and stories from the community about interpreters to help improve ODHH's Sign Language Interpreter Contract and Resources Program. I specifically want to get feedback from the DeafBlind community.

Please RSVP to DBSC at: info at seattledbsc.org<mailto:info at seattledbsc.org> to make sure we have enough Interpreters. Also let me know if you have other accommodation needs.

Thank you for your support and helping ODHH increase our services to the community!

Heather Melendez

Administrative Assistant

Deaf Blind Service Center

1620 18th Ave. Suite #200

Seattle, WA 98122

206.323.9178 (Voice)

206.455.7932 (VP)

206.323.3644 (TTY)

206.328.8497 (Fax)
info at seattledbsc.org<mailto:info at seattledbsc.org> (Email)

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