[NFBWATLK] FW: [Jobs] Access Text & Technology Manager & Assistant Director at U of WA

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Tue May 22 19:58:14 UTC 2018

From: Jobs [mailto:jobs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of David Andrews via Jobs
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2018 3:20 PM
To: jobs at nfbnet.org
Cc: David Andrews
Subject: [Jobs] Access Text & Technology Manager & Assistant Director at U of WA

Here's the other position that is available at the beautiful University of Washington!

The Access Text and Technology Manager will report directly to the Assistant Director. Both positions focus on accessibility in documents and videos. The Manager will focus on day-to-day operations and management of the alt formats and captioning programs. The Assistant Director will focus on more strategic initiatives and supporting the admin needs of the Disability Resources for Students office.

From: Waped <waped-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> on behalf of Bree Callahan <breec at uw.edu>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:16 PM
Subject: [Waped] Come work for UW Disability Resources for Students


Sharing that we now have both of our new positions posted. Please reach out and ask any questions as well as share with post widely with any and all peers you have who may be interested.
Access Text & Technology Manager

The University of Washington Disability Resources for Students office has a new opportunity to join our team as the Access Text & Technology Manager. This position will have daily oversight of the Access Text & Technology (ATT) Program operations and work with the Assistant Director on broader accessibility and technology work. The ATT program serves all three UW campuses (Bothell, Tacoma and Seattle) in the conversation and creation of accessible instructional materials and media for courses. We partner with campus offices such as Access Technology Services, DO-IT, UW Captioning, Center for Teaching and Learning and many more as we strive towards accessible and inclusive classrooms for students.

*         UW Jobs Req 156006: https://uwhires.admin.washington.edu/ENG/Candidates/default.cfm?szCategory=jobprofile&szOrderID=156006
Assistant Director

The University of Washington Disability Resources for Students office has an opening for a great leadership opportunity of Assistant Director. This position will have oversight of the Program Manager for the unit's Access Text & Technology (ATT) Program while also holding a leadership, outreach and administrative role in the broader office operations. The ATT program serves all three UW campuses (Bothell, Tacoma and Seattle) in the conversation and creation of accessible instructional materials and media for courses. We partner with campus offices such as Access Technology Services, DO-IT, UW Captioning, Center for Teaching and Learning and many more as we strive towards accessible and inclusive classrooms for students.

*         UW Jobs Req 155589: https://uwhires.admin.washington.edu/eng/candidates/default.cfm?szCategory=jobprofile&szOrderID=155589&szCandidateID=0&szSearchWords=&szReturnToSearch=1
UW and DRS

We are excited to find some new team members looking to join our team and the work happening at the UW. There has been, and continues to be, some amazing work happening on campus related to a focus on accessibility. It is an energizing time to work on this campus and partner with great collogues as we form our new ideal state of operating. With a new ADA Coordinator search underway, a new charge for a comprehensive 3-5 year plan for accessibility across campus, and administrative commitment to look at how to move the dial on access and inclusion for people with disabilities we are collectively engaged to get some great work done.

Here are some links to our website to review and see if this is position, unit and college is a fit.

*         Disability.uw.edu<http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs>

*         Accessible Instructional Materials<http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/accessible-instructional-materials/>

*         Accessible Videos and Audio<http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/accessible-videos-and-audio/>




Disability Resources for Students

Pronouns: she, her, hers

011 Mary Gates Hall

Box 352808
Seattle, WA 98195-2808

Direct: 206.221.2453 / Main: 206.543.8924

breec at uw.edu<mailto:breec at uw.edu>/ http://disability.uw.edu<http://disability.uw.edu/>


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