[NFBWATLK] FW: [List] Go Fund Me campaign for bike lane safety

Mary ellen gabias at telus.net
Tue Nov 13 19:28:37 UTC 2018



From: List [mailto:list-bounces at cfb.ca] On Behalf Of Oriano
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 2:33 PM
To: list at cfb.ca
Subject: [List] Go Fund Me campaign for bike lane safety


Hello all,


Please support our GoFundMe campaign to change a dangerous bike lane design that drastically reduces safety of blind and visually-impaired public transit riders. In this case, the new separated bike lanes and floating bus stops are in Victoria, BC, but there’s interest in them across North America, so this design could potentially set a precedent. We have obtained legal representation and filed a human rights challenge, but we need your support to help cover legal costs since CFB is a not-for-profit, entirely volunteer organization. We understand how tight money can be these days, but in this case, even a few dollars will make a difference, providing enough of us take action. Please find our GoFundMe link below.


Before you do, here’s a couple of things to note:
1. The GoFundMe fundraising website automatically suggests a 15 percent tip to be added to a given donation. On older computer systems this custom options box may be inaccessible. The GoFundMe suggested tip, which goes to them and not to our campaign, can be adjusted to a lower or zero amount if you  are able to interact with the custom options box. Or, please feel free to email your contribution directly to  <mailto:treasurer at cfb.ca> treasurer at cfb.ca or use Paypal at  <mailto:donation at cfb.ca> donation at cfb.ca (and note it’s for the GoFundMe campaign) and we will add your donation to it. You can also contact us at our main CFB phone number 250-598-7154 or 800-619-8789 and we will make some method work for you.

2. Please share our campaign as far and wide as you can. Remember that only a $5.00 donation by 5,000 people will enable us to reach our goal. And please encourage your social media friends to consider supporting this important cause.


Thank you. Here’s the link:


 <https://www.gofundme.com/cfb-bike-lanes> https://www.gofundme.com/cfb-bike-lanes



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