[NFBWATlk] Fwd: [Wcb-l] Vaccination for COVID

Merribeth Greenberg merribeth.manning at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 15:49:35 UTC 2021

I thought this would be helpful for everyone.

Beth Greenberg

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Colette Arvidson <colette.arvidson at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 10:36 PM
Subject: [Wcb-l] Vaccination for COVID
To: wcb list <wcb-l at wcbinfo.org>

Dear friends,

I am sending you this link for Washington residents who want to be emailed
or texted when they are eligible to get their immunizations. Currently in
Phase 1a.     Washington is including all who are 70 or over in tier 1b.
According to the coronavirus.wa.gov website this tier should begin in the
next few weeks. The link below will take you to the space to get an email
or text when you are eligible to call or schedule.  I am not sure how
accessible this is, but want to let you know it exists.  Hope this helps.
Colette Arvidson


Here is what he first three pages of this site provide:
*Page 1*

Check Your COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility

Please complete the following questions to determine if you are currently
eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Your contact information will be kept
private and will only be used by the Washington State Department of Health
to notify you when you become eligible, if you're not already.  Note: we
are preparing for a broad-scale launch of this tool by the end of January
2021. To advance the pages on this tool, click next, hit enter on your
keyboard, or swipe left on your mobile device.


*Page 2*

Currently, this tool will only determine if you are eligible for the
vaccine right now as the initial part of Phase 1. In the coming weeks as
plans for future phases are confirmed, this tool will allow people to
determine into which future phase they fall. Please check back.

Before you begin, there are a few things for some people to know:

   - If you are pregnant, you're welcome to complete this form, but please
   speak with your health care provider about your vaccination options.
   - This tool does not apply to anyone living in Indian Country or within
   tribal jurisdictions.
   - The Pfizer vaccine is authorized for people ages 16+ and the Moderna
   vaccine is authorized for people ages 18+.


*Page 3*

How old are you?*This field is required.

*There are then a few more questions needed, and then they also ask whether
you want to be notified by email or text when you are eligible to be
vaccinated in your community.*
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