[NFBWATlk] NFB of Wa Members at Large Chapter Meeting

Kristina Colcock tishgifts at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 01:04:45 UTC 2021

Hello Fellow Federationists, friends and family,

We just had an excellent virtual convention this past weekend. I know many
of you were in attendance. However, some of you may have missed parts or
have questions about what transpired during the convention. Well, here is
your chance to talk about the convention and ask any questions you might

On Thursday evening, November 11 at 7:30pm the NFB of WA Members at Large
Chapter has our monthly meeting. We will hear from our state president,
Marci Carpenter about highlights of the convention and what work the
members of the NFB of Washington have put forth for the next year. We
invite any first time attendees to share in their experience. We invite
people to ask questions and give feedback.

We will also be talking about our chapter fund raiser. As discussed in an
earlier meeting, we will be taking chapter donations of $5 and for every $5
donation, the doners name will go into the hat for a chance to receive a
beautiful hand crafted quilt. These quilts are crafted by Charity Layton.
Charity will hopefully be with us to talk about these quilts and describe
them. We want to send out the opportunity to everyone we may know as you do
not have to be a member of the NFB of Washington to take part in this
drawing. We also want to let people know that they do not have to be at the
chapter meeting to win. Look for a separate email with pictures that you
can share with your contacts.

We will open the Zoom room at 7:15pm and start the meeting at 7:30pm. As
always, if you have any questions or comments, you can contact me at
206-854-3025 or at kris at colcock.com.

Here is the Zoom information. Looking forward to hearing from everyone on
Thursday evening!

Topic: NFBW Members At Large

Time: Thursday, Nov. 11 @ 7:30pm

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Passcode: 823589

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