[NFBWATlk] Fwd: FW: Posting: Coordinator NW Center for Assistive Technology Training (NW CATT)

Kristina Colcock tishgifts at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 18:35:14 UTC 2022

 Friends in/near Washington State, FYI.

Richard Rueda

Richard Rueda
Digital Content Manager CareerConnect<http://www.aphcareerconnect.org/>
Email: rrueda at aph.org<mailto:rrueda at aph.org>
Mobile: 510.825.4106
Office: 502.515.9107
[American Printing House Logo]

Website: www.APHCareerConnect.org<http://www.APHCareerConnect.org>
Twitter: @APHConnect<http://www.twitter.com/aphconnect>
Facebook:  CareerConnect<https://www.facebook.com/ccforjobseekers>

Share your upcoming events on the APH ConnectCenter Community

 Spread the word throughout the NW

Washington State School for the Blind is currently recruiting for a
Coordinator of the Northwest Regional Center for Assistive Technology
Training (NW CATT)<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.governmentjobs.com%2Fcareers%2Fwashington%2Fjobs%2F3744163%2Fcoordinator-of-the-northwest-regional-center-for-assistive-technology-training-n%3Fkeywords%3Dblind%26pagetype%3DjobOpportunitiesJobs&data=05%7C01%7CEVE%40LISTSERV.WSSB.WA.GOV%7Cb36a846335e7411d217e08daa261c67f%7Cb0575567ef7347619764e036dfd0e12f%7C0%7C0%7C638000838079164479%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2F3%2BvBAUte4JEHnjP1FaHEJsmFN3kT6I1efFd889ScDs%3D&reserved=0>

The Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB) is currently
recruiting for a full-time Coordinator for the NW CATT program. The NW
CATT program is a new collaboration between the Washington State
School for the Blind, the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind,
and the American Printing House for the Blind (APH).  The program
coordinator will lead the development and facilitation of all
training, service, and support options provided through the NW
Regional CATT.  The NW Regional CATT will be a program offered through
the Ogden Resource Center (ORC) at the WSSB and the NW CATT
Coordinator will report to the ORC Director. NW Regional CATT efforts
will be provided by a team of full-time and temporary project
employees hired to provide these services and supports across the NW
Region. Assistive technology materials and devices are provided
through APH. The NW Regional CATT is being designed to serve:
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, Northern
Mariana Islands, Guam and American Samoa. Our mission is to provide
assistive technology training and support to teachers of students who
are blind or low vision, including those with multiple disabilities
and/or deaf-blindness, primarily utilizing a "train-the-trainer"
model, while also providing training for students and families.

Please contact Anne Baker for further information,
anne.baker at wssb.wa.gov<mailto:anne.baker at wssb.wa.gov>.


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