[NFBWATlk] This Month's Chapter Meeting And Focus Group On September 23rd. Please Read Carefully!
Jim Portillo
portillo.jim at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 17:24:40 UTC 2023
National Federation of the Blind of Washington
Greater Seattle Chapter Meeting!
Join us for our upcoming meeting, Saturday September 23th, 2023, beginning at 11:00 AM
We will be meeting at Razzi’s Pizzeria
SEATTLE, WA 98103.
Razzi’s Pizzeria is on the #5 bus line.
First, I’d like to thank those who helped make our recent picnic a very nice one. We missed those of you who couldn’t make it. There will be other opportunities for us to engage and fellowship.
Yes, we are having a chapter meeting this month. It will be jam packed! This means we will begin at 11:00 sharp, no matter how many people are there! Please be on time!
First, Marci will talk about any pressing National or State business. Alice Klein will talk about the upcoming White Cane Day walk, which is taking place on October 14th. The NFBW is partnering with Alice and other organizations to make this the biggest and best yet!
After that, our meeting will turn into a focus group, sponsored by King County Metro. Metro representatives have asked if they could meet with our members, and Marci and I thought that doing it during our chapter meeting would be great! Following is what Metro sent us as an explanation. Please read.
“Metro is working to make it easier for people with disabilities to use public transportation and we want to hear from you! The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires government agencies to make sure everyone can use their programs and services. The ADA also requires these agencies to have an ADA Transition Plan, which is a guide to removing barriers and improving access for everyone.
We want to make sure everyone can use public transportation safely and equitably. This is why we want to better understand how our programs work for people with disabilities and the challenges they face when using our services.
We invite you to join us for a focus group on September 23, 2023. Your input about your experiences riding Metro and your ideas for enhancing our programs, services and activities for people with disabilities are highly valued.”
This should be great for both Metro and blind people, many of whom are in our chapter. Although it’s not mentioned in the flyer each focused participant will be compensated $115. Marci doesn’t know what form the payment will be but will try to find out tomorrow. There’s a form people will have to fill out. They will send us an email version of that so we can try to get some folks to fill it out ahead of time. People will also be able to fill it out that day but the more people who do it have the time the quicker things will go.
Once we’re done with the important business, let’s stay and have lunch together! See you Saturday!
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