[NFBWATlk] Updated 2/5 Legislative Alert - Washington Seminar appointments and new information

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Wed Feb 5 13:32:27 UTC 2025

Today we will be meeting with Rep. Marie Perez’s (3rd District) staff at 10 AM Pacific, Senator Murray’s staff at noon Pacific and Senator Cantwell at 1:45 PM Pacific.We had very positive meetings with Rep. Larsen’s and Rep. Jayapal’s staff yesterday. Last night’s Congressional Reception was packed with about 200 Federationists from around the country. Several Senator’s and Representatives gave uplifting, passionate remarks, showing us that we have many strong supporters in Congress. One of the most enthusiastic speakers was Congresswoman Lateefah Simon, a blind Congresswoman from California. She definitely feels like we are her family.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Marci Carpenter <mjc59 at comcast.net>
> Subject: Legislative Alert - Washington Seminar appointments and new information
> Date: February 3, 2025 at 6:41:21 PM PST
> To: nfbwatlarge at nfbnet.org, NFBW <nfbwatlk at nfbnet.org>, "NFB of Washington State, Greater Seattle Chapter List" <nfbsea at nfbnet.org>
> Greetings,
> We are here in Washington DC and ready to start meeting with our Representatives, Senators and their staff. The NFB has added a new fact sheet which we will be discussing before the 3 main issues. It is called “Laws and Funding” . It has information about laws the blind depend on and funding the blind depend on. It came about because, after events of las week, the Federation realized that we need to urge Congress to defend existing laws and funding before we can move forward with our new proposed legislation. We will lead with this new fact sheet and if we still have time in our appointments we will discuss the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act, the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act and the Blind Americans Return to Work Act.
> You can find all of the fact sheets, including the Laws and Funding one, at nfb.org/washington-seminar.
> Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be meeting with Legislative Assistants from Rep. Rick Larsen's (District 2) and Rep. Pramilla Jayapal’s District 7) offices. If you live in one of their districts call the their offices directly or call the Congressional switchboard operator at 202-224-3121. and ask to be connected with their office. Most offices will ask if you are a constituent (you are a voter in their district). They usually only want to hear from their constituents. Tell the office staff that members of the National Federation of the Blind from their district are meeting with  staff today, that those federation members represent you, and that you would like the Representative to support the issues being discussed. If no one answers leave a voicemail message saying this. If you are unsure of your Congressional district you can find it at https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative\ <https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative%5C>
> I will post another email tomorrow night with our Wednesday appointments.
> Thanks,
> Marci Carpenter, President
> National Federation of the Blind of Washington

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