<html><body><font face="Helvetica">I didn't see this in the email but will the chapter meeting take place the following week or is there no chapter meeting this month?<br><br>Marci<br><br>Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App<br><br><br>------ Original Message ------<br><br>From: 'NFB of Washington Talk Mailing List' List'<br>To: 'NFB of Washington Talk Mailing List' List'<br>Cc: Julie Warrington<br>Sent: March 3, 2016 at 9:06 AM<br>Subject: [nfbwatlk] Sno/King meeting change for this month<br><br>Hello Federationists!<br>I wanted to put out an early post regarding our Sno/King Chapter meeting for march.<br>We have our scheduled meetings on the 2nd Saturday as a rule, but this month we would like to move it to the 3rd Saturday, March 19th.<br>Tom and I will be out of town and we provide transportation for some of the members. so, our board members decided it would possibly be a more productive meeting when more people will be able to attend.<br>Hope this does not cause any inconvenience to folks.<br>We wil be making calls to let members know. If you are in contact with anyone that might not be on this list. Please pass along the information.<br>we will be resuming our normal meeting schedule in April.<br>Best regards,<br><br>Julie Warrington - president<br>Sno/king Chapter of Washington <br>Phone 425-239-5720 / warrington.julie7@gmail.com<br>_______________________________________________<br>nfbwatlk mailing list<br>nfbwatlk@nfbnet.org<br>http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nfbwatlk_nfbnet.org<br>To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for nfbwatlk:<br>http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nfbwatlk_nfbnet.org/mjc59%40comcast.net<br></font></body></html>