Hi, All,<BR /><BR />I apologize for the error.<BR /><BR />I compared the original link sent to me a while ago with what I have, and the user id was missing a digit.<BR /><BR />I've made the correction in the original link. Otherwise, if you dialed in, the one-tap mobile should work, and the manual dial-in should work, they were okay.<BR /><BR />Try this out, and accecpt my humble appologies for messing up the meeting. <BR /><BR />Let me know how this goes.<BR /><BR />Join Zoom Meeting<BR />https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87197798063?pwd=aFplR2FHM3EvdVU3dlVmQkFTZzRoUT09<BR /><BR />Meeting ID: 871 9779 8063<BR />Password: 730798<BR /><BR />One tap mobile<BR />+125321587821,87197798063#eaeablea#eablegcjgih# US (Tacoma)<BR />+166990068331,87197798063#eaeablea#eablegcjgih# US (San Jose)<BR />If you use a traditional phone:<BR />Dial by your location<BR /> +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)<BR /> +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)<BR /><BR />Meeting ID: 871 9779 8063<BR />Password: 730798<BR />Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.u<BR /><BR /><BR /><BR />Judy<BR />sent from the HIMS Android BrailleSense Polaris<BR /><BR />