[Nfbwv-talk] New Bana UEB Publication Available

Karen McDonald karen at eioproductions.com
Mon Nov 3 18:44:38 UTC 2014

Greetings, fellow Federationists

There is a new publication called The UEB Reader from the Braille 
Authority of North America (BANA.) .  I have attached the press 
release taken directly from the Bana website.  This is a bound 
Braille volume that has an overview of the changes in the Braille 
code and it also includes example documents such as the first 
chapter of the Wizard of Oz, the Gettysburg address and a recipe 
for old-fashioned pumpkin pie.  Not everyone has a Braille 
notetaker but everyone who reads Braille can access this little 
book.  I highly recommend this book as a quick introduction to 
the UEB.  And one more thinging-it's free! You don't even have to 
go to the website to get it.  A telephone is all you need.  All 
the information is in the attachment.
Happy reading.
Karen McDonald
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