[Nfbwv-talk] Library Day, Feb. 2 at the Capitol

NFB Huntington Chapter nfbhuntington at aol.com
Fri Nov 13 18:16:37 UTC 2015


I just learned from Donna Calvert that Feb. 2 will be doubly exciting. 
In addition to celebrating Groundhogs Day, we will be observing WV 
Library day at the Capitol.

An important change to note is that unlike years past in which a 4:00 
reception was scheduled for the Culture Center, this year a Purchased 
lunch Buffet is planned. It will be in the Capitol building, and I 
understand that advanced tickets will be required. I'll follow up on 
those details.

Thanks to Ed, I can now reach out in order to schedule West Virginia 
Braille Literacy day for Feb. 2. Celebrating Library services and 
literacy at the same time is a win-win situation.

Brad Hodges

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