[Nfbwv-talk] Hello!

Dave Allen dave.blindsight at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 02:20:01 UTC 2016

	Hi all!

Special welcome to Kyle to Almost Heaven!

In case you never heard, God is a local call for you now, *lol*

I'm everywhere and no where're at the same time, *lol*

Actually, I live on a beach next to a horse and dog racing track in New
Zealand's beautiful if cold, South Island.

I also pretend I never left West Virginia every chance I get, *lol*

By way of proof, I controlled the early session of the West Virginia CW
traffic net on 3567 at 7 pm this evening, thanks to an on line  ham radio
connection in Charleston.

I'm getting my head slowly around the webmaster duties for NFBWV, so that is
my connection to this list.

After seeing all these intros and feeling jealous of all the talent I
lacked, I wanted to add my own far flung voice to the throng. 

It's really great to have you with us, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

If anyone is looking for any whales, I heard some were visible from our
shoreline cafes yesterday. That is kind of rare that they should wander this
close to shore, but perhaps it is an indication that spring is coming,
because that's how I'm taking it. 

Judy knows why "Don't Say You Don't Remember has been going through my head
ever since her email crossed my desk, *lol* 

Welcome again, Kyle, and thanks for the pleasure.


David Allen, Director
Blind-Sight Limited
For computer training and support world-wide, equipment or braille
production please contact me through any of the following ways: 
Email: info at blind-sight.com
Telephone: 64-3-455-7694 (Home)
64-27-224-5489 (Mobile)
PO Box 9046
St Clair
Dunedin 9047

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