Ed McDonald
ed at eioproductions.com
Fri Mar 8 16:56:50 UTC 2019
The next regular meeting of the Members at Large Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia will be this Sunday, March 10, 4:00 PM, using the Zoom conferencing platform.
We will begin with a brief business meeting with the usual reports, including some new information concerning our ongoing issues with Learning Ally. We will also hear President Riccobono's March release.
Most of the meeting, however, will be devoted to a presentation by long-time Federationist, David Andrews. Dave joined the NFB while living in West Virginia back in the 1970s. He worked for a time in our national office as the first director of the International Braille and Technology Center, and he currently maintains and manages all of our NFB email discussion lists. He now works as chief technology officer for Minnesota State Services for the Blind and serves as president of that state's Members at Large NFB chapter. Dave has been a friend for many years, and I know he will have interesting and informative things to say. I am sharing this announcement with our NFBWV discussion list, with an invitation for any non-members to join us.
Here is the information you will need for joining the Zoom meeting. Below that, you will find draft minutes from our February meeting. I hope all of you will be able to join us.
If you are using the Zoom app on a mobile phone, click on the "Join Zoom Meeting" link, and you should be connected directly. If you join by placing a standard cell phone call, click on the "One Tap Mobile" link, and it should automatically dial the number and enter the meeting ID.
Otherwise, if you join by using any other type of phone, dial any of the numbers listed in the message and enter the nine-digit meeting ID when prompted. It really doesn't matter which phone number you use. As we continue to use this platform, the process should become more and more intuitive. Meanwhile, if you have questions, don't hesitate to call me at 304-788-0129. What follows is the standard Zoom message containing all of the essential contact information.
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Meeting ID: 108 464 122
* * * * * * * * * *
February 10, 2019
The Members at Large Chapter of the NFBWV met via conference call on Sunday, February 10, 2019. President Ed McDonald called the meeting to order at approximately 4:00 PM.
Officers present were president, Ed McDonald; vice-president, Marcus Soulsby; secretary, Karen McDonald; and treasurer, Ricky Richmond. Members present were Sheri Koch, John Jackson, Joni Jackson, Karen Swauger, Anita Adkins, Kerri Kosten and David Allen. Guests present were Joe Regnier and Trish Walker.
The January minutes were adopted as presented.
Richmond deposited a check for dues for Jim and Michelle McKeller totaling $10. The current balance is $1511.69. On Thursday, February 7, Richmond mailed checks to affiliate treasurer Sandy Streets totaling $254.64 for the convention reception and $50 for the reimbursement to Sheri Koch for the Braille Readers are Leaders contribution. Koch previously requested that the $50 reimbursement be placed in the BELL account. When the two checks have cleared the bank, the total balance will be $1207.05.
Richmond will send dues in the amount of $17 to the state treasurer. The treasurer's report was adopted as presented.
President McDonald expressed the shock and sorrow of us all at the passing of Huntington Area Chapter President Brad Hodges.
Brad's husband Joe Regnier thanked everyone for their support during this difficult time.
Charlene Smyth had foot surgery on February 7 and she is suffering significant pain. We will know in about six weeks whether the surgery was successful.
Karen McDonald has surgery scheduled for March 11 for a hiatal hernia.
John Jackson said he is scheduled to have an endoscopy on February 20.
David Allen reported that there is no kidney stone.
Karen Swauger is still suffering swelling from cellulitis but she is back to work.
There has been subsequent communication from Julie Eagon which forced some changes to the letter that was aprooved at the last meeting. John Jackson read a portion of the proposed letter and he moved that it be sent over President McDonald's signature.
Karen McDonald seconded. President McDonald explained the differences between Learning Ally's VoiceText and classic reading formats. The motion to send the letter was adopted. President McDonald said when this issue is resolved, it will be an accomplishment for the chapter. Jackson's full report is appended to these minutes.
John Jackson reported that he has approached a local Kroger store about establishing a "pilot" shopper assistance program with the hope of expansion to other Kroger establishments around the state. He has had an initial meeting with Kroger management and he submitted to them a document with ideas about how this can be accomplished. His ideas were enthusiastically received. He will have his first experience with a shopper assistant on March 18.
President McDonald talked about how we could possibly extend the shopping assistance idea to other settings with other retailers.
John said he has prepared a set of guidelines that he will share with the group. He will keep everyone posted about this project.
QUILT Raffle
Karen Swauger and President McDonald agreed to work with Printers Ink regarding the purchase of raffle tickets. McDonald promised a follow-up report in March.
Anita Adkins said the Braille Challenge will take place at the School for the Blind on February 21. She thanked the chapter for the contribution toward the T shirts.
President McDonald played the February Presidential release which included the recognition of the death of Brad Hodges.
Sheri Koch, Charlene Smyth and Sandy Streets attended the 2019 Washington Seminar. The group met with Senator Manchin's aide and Senator Capito. An unproductive hallway meeting took place with Congressman Mooney's aide. Koch's impression was that the Disability Employment Act was fairly well received by Capito.
Koch said the President has signed the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print-Disabled. The treaty is awaiting the 90 days required for final ratification. The united States will be the 50th country to ratify Marrakesh. Koch applauded NFB for what the organization has done to bring accessible printed material to the blind and print disabled around the world.
She listed the three initiatives for the 2019 Washington Seminar:
Access Technology Affordability Act, Greater Accessibility and Independence through Nonvisual Access Technology, and Disability Employment Act. More information about these initiatives can be found on the NFB website.
Koch said Elizabeth Memorial United Methodist Church in Charleston will host our one-week BELL program in 2019. Pastor Jim McCune is obtaining a transportation grant which will include three drivers. She said we need to raise about $3000 and she asked the chapter for fund-raising assistance.
The next meeting is scheduled for SUNDAY, March 10.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Karen McDonald, secretary
Learning Ally Report on Link
February 10, 2019
You may all remember that at the January meeting, we voted to send a letter to Learning Ally asking that they expedite the addition of the "jump forward by time increment" feature for their next release of Link. But very shortly after that meeting and before we could send that communication, Learning Ally released a new version of Link (1.9.5) and, of course, it did not contain the "jump forward by time increments" feature that we have been pushing for.
I think that to understand where we are now, it is important to understand that Learning Ally currently produces books in two major formats: the old, long-existing Classic Audio Format and the new VoiceText Format. Books in the classic Audio format generally consist of audio only. This format is the one in which most titles in their collection (textbooks, professional
materials) currently exist and the one you're likely to get when you request many of the current titles. In classic audio, navigation is generally very limited, because text were not marked to allow detailed navigation and of course, we know that we can jump backward but not jump forward by time increments.
The VoiceText Format, their newest creation, consists, as I understand, of a combination audio and print version of the title presented as a single recording. In this new format, they have introduced some pretty advanced features: navigate by paragraph, sentence, etc. As you move, you can see the equivalent print text on the phone screen. Some months ago, Joni and I played with a book about Einstein in this format and the combination audio and print navigation options were indeed impressive.
Note the implication for us: In classic audio, the format that most people will still be using for school and work, however, navigation has not improved. Here's how Learning Ally's Julie Egan compared navigation in the two formats in a recent email to Ed and me:
Name of Setting: Navigate By
VOICEtext Navigation Choices: Heading, Page, Paragraph, or Sentence
Classic Audio Navigation Choices: Heading or Page
In addition, of course, classic audio also includes the "jump backward" feature that we know so well.
I think the point to take away from all of this is that because
the overwhelming preponderance of titles in their collection are
classic audio and because nonvisual patrons, unlike dyslexic
patrons, will likely not have realtime access to the equivalent
title in print, we still need better navigation in classic audio
as much as ever.
As to the way forward, since the new version of Link was released
before we could hope to affect it, Ed and I have put together
another letter that we propose to send. It reads as follows:
Good day Julie:
I was happy to learn of the latest release of your Link software.
The enhanced navigation feature permitting both forward and
backward navigation by paragraph, sentence, etc., brings exciting
new possibilities and much-needed efficiency to titles properly
tagged and produced for VoiceText navigation. Mr. Jackson will
put the app through its paces in a VoiceText title and give you
In regard to materials in the classic audio format, our concern
around the need for a feature allowing jump forward by time
increments (comparable to the jump backward control currently in
the app) is still extant. Therefore, I am writing today with two
If the work of this last release of Link is essentially behind
you, can you now project a reasonably reliable date by which the
jump forward feature we have requested for so long will be ready
for public use for classic audio titles?
Second, if not, would your organization be able to make available
to nonvisual users the ReadHear app (Link's predecessor that
provided both backward and forward time jump navigation in
classic audio titles) until navigation in Link within classic
audio titles can be brought up to speed for us?
I believe that most of the books in the collection are in the
classic audio format. For nonvisual patrons without realtime
access to the print versions of audio titles and using classic
audio, the need for the jump forward by time increments feature
remains as critical as ever. Nonvisual patrons will surely
continue to need titles in this format. Therefore, inefficient
navigation within classic audio titles will remain for us a
limiting issue until its navigation is substantially improved.
The addition of the jump forward by time increment feature will
be a big step in this direction.
I hope our concerns will be addressed, as they are an ongoing
issue for concerned users and members of our chapter. Thank you
for your attention.
Ed McDonald
Accordingly, Mr. President, I move the following motion:
"That In light of the recent release of Link from Learning Ally,
and in lieu of the letter approved by this chapter at our last
meeting whose points are now moot, we send over President
McDonald's signature the proposed letter read by Mr. Jackson in
his report on Learning Ally of 2-10-19."
To conclude, I again thank the chapter for its continued support
in this matter. If we succeed, we will contribute significantly
to the lives of the blind of today and to those in generations to
John Jackson
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