[Nfbwv-talk] Reporting Greyhound shopper experience

David Allen dave.blindsight at gmail.com
Wed May 8 08:55:42 UTC 2019

Hi all!

Have submitted my first report via the website.

I was technically unable to fully explore the issue being tested, because
they're booking system was down at the time I contacted them.

Neither was it completely pointless either, because I gained valuable
experience navigating their phone system with an Amazon Echo, a bit of a
mission itself, *lol*

I will do more tomorrow, which should be exciting.


David Allen, Director
Blind-Sight Limited
For computer training and support world-wide, equipment or braille
production please contact me through any of the following ways: 
Email: info at blind-sight.com
Telephone: 64-3-455-7694 (Home)
64-27-224-5489 (Mobile)
PO Box 9046
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